Varg Vikernes: "I Am Ready For Society".

Varg could have been a sociopath who was caught up in alcoholism and drug abuse which could be factored in so it's possible he could be ready for society and not a murderer. I guess maybe you just don't know.

Alcoholism and drug abuse leads to nothing more than rehab,jail, or death(anyone who has delt with it knows) and would link it with a music scene. I mean look at the shit that happened in the Norwegian BM scene.
That's quite the shit eating grin in the first photo of varg in this thread. It looks like a typical department store photo frame picture , accept someone replaced the clean cut dude that usually comes with it, with a homeless viking.

Hahah :lol:

And I hope he's out of prison soon. The greatest news moment in many years had to be his great escape in '03.
Thats cool he's gettin out, hopefully he makes more (good) music.
Norway has one of the best prison systems in the world, so everyone keep this in mind. Varg is not going to leave prison has a total madman.
at least he wants to make more music, hope its not going to be some softcore version of Burzum with the new album being called "the Fam"

I hope the next Burzum record is on acoustic guitar. That would be my favorite thing of all-time. Not folky like that Agalloch crap but metallic stuff like Impaled Northern Moonforest, except good, and of course serious.

edit: A lot of Black Metal is pretty soft already. Particularly Burzum. Very slow and subdued, though dark and harsh. It depresses me that these bands like Agalloch and Alcest soften up black metal in all the wrong ways. You don't need to pussify the kind of instrumentation, you just need to play the same kind of riffs and structures in a slightly different way. It could make for a pretty awesome sound. The acoustic guitar is so typecasted it's disgusting. You don't have to play pathetic Dave Mathews singer-songwriter material on an acoustic guitar, it can do so many more things and it virtually never gets a chance to in modern music.
I want Varg out as much as many do in this thread, but I don't know why so many of you are saying things as though he is getting out soon, because he is not. The article is simply a recent "press release" on his incarceration status. He's in prison for some time to come unfortunately.

I don't get how people are using the fact that the murder was premeditated against him. I'd be much, much more reluctant to release someone who just lost it and killed in a sudden fit of anger. People who plan a crime at least show some capacity for reason. I'm guessing he's learned his lesson more or less and is really not interested in stirring up trouble.

I guess I could see it the other way too. People who plan crimes have numerous opportunities to think better of it along the way.
I hope the next Burzum record is on acoustic guitar. That would be my favorite thing of all-time. Not folky like that Agalloch crap but metallic stuff like Impaled Northern Moonforest, except good, and of course serious.

edit: A lot of Black Metal is pretty soft already. Particularly Burzum. Very slow and subdued, though dark and harsh. It depresses me that these bands like Agalloch and Alcest soften up black metal in all the wrong ways. You don't need to pussify the kind of instrumentation, you just need to play the same kind of riffs and structures in a slightly different way. It could make for a pretty awesome sound. The acoustic guitar is so typecasted it's disgusting. You don't have to play pathetic Dave Mathews singer-songwriter material on an acoustic guitar, it can do so many more things and it virtually never gets a chance to in modern music.

Production is a huge factor. If Varg produced a song like "Hvis Lyset Tar Oss" differently, with the guitars and drums well in the forefront, you have a much different sound, almost norse-core.