Varg Vikernes of Burzum

High On Maiden said:
Can't everyone shut up? It's not particularly big or clever to lock intellectual horns on a forum, what do you gain from it? The hope that someone will be reading it and laughing or praising your wit? Not to mention you sound like fanboys who have just got into black metal and the hype around the murder and all that boring shit. Who cares, listen to the music and fuck off.
Let them continue, it's very amusing.
I'm just taking the piss out of him, is all. It's not like this is at all mentally stimulating, let alone challenging. :lol:
High On Maiden said:
Can't everyone shut up? It's not particularly big or clever to lock intellectual horns on a forum, what do you gain from it? The hope that someone will be reading it and laughing or praising your wit? Not to mention you sound like fanboys who have just got into black metal and the hype around the murder and all that boring shit. Who cares, listen to the music and fuck off.

another fucking idiot...
Will BURZUM release another album? - Probably
Will Varg release another album? - Definitely

On the one hand, the guy has nothing else to do.
On the other hand, he (I imagine) already has recording offers.
Put your hands together.
I will say murder in cold blood is wrong any way you look at it. Varg in truth jumped from style to style during his music career and it was a little sad. His Neo-Nazi stage I think is just to put the icing on the cake after being convicted. In my opinion Mayhem WAS an extreamly talanted band before the "tragic deaths".

I find that Nazi-blackmetal is too simple and annoying. Just as all racial prejudices are. I mean why make metal devoted to a cult of Jew hating white bred warmongers. It just distracts from what metal really is all about, ROCKING OUT!!

A little example of bad nazi stubbornness. I stumbled across a link to a metal forum like this one. The only difference is it was a whitepower site and only concerned itself with bands like graveland and burzum. I even saw a thread telling users not to listen to suffocation or cannibal corpse because band members were black or had a jewish last name. How fucking lame is that?

Well this was a nice rant and I will close saying Burzum was boring metal and I hope Varg does not try to put out another record when he gets out.

That is all.
Birkenau said:
You're obviously a jewish my pals.

Holy shit that one was just fucking hilarious. Please pull your white pillowcase covered head out of your puckered Protestant ass. Please stay at your Graveland worship site and stick a burning cross down your throat to show your divotion to your jeasus. Fuck i'm ashamed of being white at times.:(