Varg Vikernes of Burzum

WNxScythe said:
Burzum bores me. And I don't see how you could side with someone who freaking MURDERED someone else, unless I really don't understand what happened. Please enlighten

I place greater value on excellent music than the life of a worthless human such as Euronymous. Now you see.
Murai said:
Someone answer me. How old were everyone in the Inner Circle when Varg killed Euronymous.

Varg Vikernes is born in 1973, Hellhammer in 1969, Demonaz (Immortal) in 1970, Abbath (Immortal) in 1973, Grutle Kjellson (Enslaved) in 1973, Ivar Bjørnson (Enslaved) in 1977 or 1978, Fenriz of Darkthrone in 1971, Nocturno Culto (DT) in 1972, Necrobutcher of Mayhem in 1968, Garm (Ulver) in 1977, Øystein G. Brun (Borknagar) in 1975, Satyr Wongraven (Satyricon) in 1975, Frost (Satyricon) in 1973, Ihsahn in 1975.

Not that all of these were Inner Circle members (if it ever existed, that is).
I've got a video from ~1993 called Det Svarte Alvor where they interview a lot of the "inner circle", Demonaz + Abbath, Hellhammer, Ihsahn and Garm from Ulver.

And wasn't Erik Lancelot from Ulver (lol) going to drum for Burzum at one point?
When I recorded the other albums I was usually alone with the sound technician. However, Samoth (Thomas Haugen, in Emperor) was present when I recorded two of the tracks in the "Aske" mini-LP and parts of HLTO. He played the bass on two of the "Aske" tracks, and was present when I recorded the drums on both "Aske" and HLTO. He played the bass on "Aske" because I for a short period in 1992 flirted with the idea of playing live, and therefore rehearsed one or two times as a band (a guy named Erik Lancelot, from outside Oslo, was supposed to play the drums). I quickly woke up from the "playing-live-psychosis" and luckily changed my mind, so I continued like before, as a one-man-band with no need for even session musicians.
Morpha said:
After the first CD.
Uh? No. The first album was recorded by Varg only. The "Aske" EP had session bass performed by Samoth. I can understand if you think "Aske" is part of the first album though, since you're about 12 years old and probably didn't know there was anything but the Digipak double reissue.