Varg Vikernes "Too dangerous for parole"

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even though it really shouldn't be that way since the justice system should be focused on fixing those individuals instead of punishing them
For most crimes, yes. But when you murder someone, you lose any claim to human rights because you have deprived someone of the most basic right of all. Thus life imprisonment or capital punishment is a fitting sentence. It's not like he held up a bank or something - he murdered someone.

I don't know if that is true or not. If non-violent criminals (drug users especially) can be spared jail, it would save that cost.
It would. It's incredibly expensive to keep them in jail - rehab is a lot cheaper.

Now that you mention it .A friend of mine had a discusion with me once about Dead from Mayhem and if he was murdered. What most people don't seem to think about is the picture of him with his head blown off. Supposedly he cut his wrists then blew his head off...then his buddies found him and made a necklace out of his skull. We all know the "story". Only one huge flaw with this that we noticed. In the picture on the album cover you can see he is gone for. But the knife in the picture is on top of the shotgun. Last time i checked it was reeeeeealy REEEEEALY hard to shot your self in the face and then slit your wrists. (last time i check though...i could be wrong.:rolleyes: check it out for yourselves.
Genius, Eurynomous has admitted in interviews that he moved the fucking knife. Good try, though.

By Euronymous?

And then Varg was just getting revenge?
If that was the case it would make my day...
For most crimes, yes. But when you murder someone, you lose any claim to human rights because you have deprived someone of the most basic right of all. Thus life imprisonment or capital punishment is a fitting sentence. It's not like he held up a bank or something - he murdered someone.

Try again.
The whole thing, but I'm not getting into a big fucking argument that I've had half a dozen times already on this message board, so I'm not saying anything else.
Sounds good.
Meanwhile, someone should just bake him a really really big cake with a guitar and some mics inside. Then we could have more Burzum and the murderer could still serve his time.
I'd shake his hand and then punch him.
He did the world a favour, that then fucked up by making Dimebag a fucking guitar god after death :erk:

I don't really care about Dimebag, but if you think he deserved to die just because you didn't like any of the bands he was in, you're fucking retarded. So are you V5, if you actually agreed with him.
I feel like he might have been joking.
Dimebag was a good guitarist, tbh. The guitar god legacy is ridiculous, though.

invisible penis

Oh, ok.
Weird, I thought the point of jokes was to be funny :lol:

I thought the point of girls was to post pics of their tits.
I guess we all get proved wrong at some point.

Also I agree, Dime was a decent guitarist. A bit overrated, but still good.
A bit overrated?
You ever met a Pantera fan?
But yeah, his leads on Vulgar were pretty beastly. Sometimes the whammy stuff got a little to nuts though.
In the words of Nas, "You kill a nigga today, he lives forever." (Dime was a nigga, fyi).

That being said, I remain 100% convinced that the popularity and reverence of Dimebag Darrell, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, etc. has absolutely nothing to do with their untimely deaths. ;)
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