Varg Vikernes "Too dangerous for parole"

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This doesn't make sense. The longer you keep someone in prison, the less likely they'll be able to readjust to normal society once they're released.
I wouldn't say incredibly intelligent. The guy did jump from one crazy ideology to the other. Still, I doubt he's a real threat anymore. This is probably motivated by the desire of justice officials not to look weak when it comes to such a high profile case.

I think they are looking weak for not supporting their own social ideologies when it comes to the correctional system. Rather, they're trying to look like the US or some country with a tougher justice system. But tougher doesn't mean better.
I fail to see how he's dangerous. Sure he committed murder and arson, but its not like he's a raging serial killer. The shit he did is obviously serious, but I really don't see him doing anymore crimes if he got let out. He's obviously very different to who he was back in 1993/4.
Apparently everybody is forgetting that time that he escaped from prison and hijacked a car and rammed that car into a police car.
He's not dangerous at all. He's an intellectual thinker who challenges the ideals of modern society, and basically that qualifies as "delinquent" in the court's books. This is fucking bullshit. Free him.

Einherjar once wrote "He's not dangerous at all. He's an intellectual thinker who challenges the ideals of modern society. This is fucking bullshit. Free him." I agree with the second part.
Apparently everybody is forgetting that time that he escaped from prison and hijacked a car and rammed that car into a police car.

Actually, the police rammed his car.

Vikernes has not been a model prisoner, and if a new Burzum album wasn't something I'd trade a nut for, I'd probably on the palisades, hooting for him to stay locked in. It is, however, so fuck principles, and get this man out!
Actually, the police rammed his car.

Wrong, actually he did.


New photos added to





So yes, that is a legitimate photo.

Furthermore, he looks like Billy Boyd in the third photo.

Also, Euronymous has an awesome buttpirate 'stache.
I'm actually sort of surprised he didn't get time added to his sentence for the whole "trying to get away with guns" thing, but I guess Norwegian justice is weird.
I don't think you can get time added to a maximum sentence. It surely affected the decision not to release him though. I wouldn't be surprised if he would have been released now if he never tried to escape.
Well over here you can serve "multiple" life sentences, but yeah, if they have a specific maximum I suppose that wouldn't really make any sense :goggly:

Anyway, it's too bad for him, but in terms of the guys on our end... I don't think any new material is going to be worth the wait.
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