Varg Vikernes "Too dangerous for parole"

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this is bull shit. i do not believe that he's too dangerous to be released (though i would like to see him do something fuckin crazy) and even if he was, it doesn't matter, the fuckin court system can't be biased. oh well, at least hes not in prison over here in the fuckin states, he'd never get out and he would never of been able to record daudi balders (or however you spell it)

For the record, Charles Manson never actually killed anyone. I'm not defending him, since he's clearly insane, but that is true.
And then proved that he could be violent again a few years back. You talk about bias, but you're biased as fuck. Imagine viewing this case not only from a non-fan's perspective, but from a person who knows nothing about Black Metal at all or who this person is. You probably wouldn't be too eager to have him out of jail either.
Are those of you looking for a new Burzum record expecting it to be Black Metal? 'Cause I'm no expert on Varg but I don't think he intends to do that.
varg is harmless. furthermore, he plans to be a total recluse when he gets out. a guy who wants no contact with anyone is a threat to everyone...
Oh please... I like how people say that he's harmless and all like they've lived in the same room with him for fucking 35 years. I'm not saying he's dangerous either, but for fucks sake think fucking deeper. Like anybody could ever tell that he was going to murder a person before he actually did it. Just stop fucking acting like you know everything about somebody.
we dont have to know everything about him to see that he may not be getting a fair shake here. especially when you consider norway's philosophy on prisons (rehab over punishment)
All Im saying is that you need to stop consider everyone predictable by just the way they look, things they say and some other stupid facts... Noone is predictable. I also want him out as soon as possible. But you NEVER can say that a person who killed another person is harmless, even in fucking 50 years. If he did it once - he might do it again. So doubts of the goverment are somehow fair.
He doesn't seem very 'rehabilitated'. From a legal standpoint, there was no basis to release him at this point in time, regardless of whether or not I'd like to see him out (and I would).
He does. I think you should read more.

Where does he say he wants to play Black Metal again? I know he wants to make more Burzum albums but I see no reason to believe he'll go back to Black Metal. He doesn't seem to want to be a part of anybody's scene so I'd expect him to come out with something very uncommercial, more like the recent Burzum albums. Again, I'm no expert, but is there any reason to believe he's going to go back to Black Metal?
All Im saying is that you need to stop consider everyone predictable by just the way they look, things they say and some other stupid facts... Noone is predictable. I also want him out as soon as possible. But you NEVER can say that a person who killed another person is harmless, even in fucking 50 years. If he did it once - he might do it again. So doubts of the goverment are somehow fair.

sure, i'll give you that. but i could murder someone too. i dont think we're that much different than varg. given the proper circumstances, we could all kill, and probably would.
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