Varg Vikernes "Too dangerous for parole"

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Case workers at the Justice Ministry fear that Vikernes will be unable to adjust to life on the outside after his years in jail. They have turned down his application.

Right, so he'll be ready to leave when his sentence is up, then?

Anyway, I'm suprised to see so much (intellctual) support for Varg since I remember people not being too happy the couple times when I mentioned Charlie.

When he gets out I expect a Burzum greatest hits world tour. Hahaha... I mean, you know, money, right? You could fund a lot of Neo-Nazi groups with that kind of dough.

If he really is out already then that's awesome.
I'm actually sort of surprised he didn't get time added to his sentence for the whole "trying to get away with guns" thing, but I guess Norwegian justice is weird.

His sentence had been shortened, but they restored it after he tried that.

Notice how this version of the image from his official site has the sides chopped off to make it hard to tell where he was?
S<issors, I like how you quoted my post above and then proceeded to type out everything you just quoted.

Varg's a very intelligent guy, and we can't let his ideologies distract us from that fact. When it comes to Judeo-Christianity's influence over his country, he knows what he's talking about. I don't support National Socialist ideologies, but at least Varg doesn't advocate physical harm (unless in self-defense, or so he claims :cool:).
I can't tell any difference between the photo on and the one posted here, to be honest.

Maybe Varg broke out again. That would rule.
I like how he's harmless enough to be allowed leave periods but too dangerous to be released.
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