x6 million.
if you think burning down churches is a good thing, you are a blatant fucking idiot. the amount of charity/social service work churches do is phenomenal. religion is often a crucial part of peoples lives when they dont have much else (aesthetically or whatever it may be) and also, it is a place of reform for a lot of people who would otherwise be a complete burden on society (e.g. idiots who burn down churches).
also churches are not tax havens for the rich, you idiot. i would be naieve to think all churches are clean of cheating tax, but the vast majority would be honest, more so on average than the rest of society.
charity through organised religion has been proven to have a much higher rate of effective donation than any of the other charitable institutions you probably dont support (i assume you are tight and selfish, as well as being stupid). e.g. world vision - less than 70 cents in every dollar you donate, actually goes to the people it is intended to benefit. the st. vincent de paul society or the salvation army see more than 90 cents in the dollar going directly to the cause.