VBC Released

Just updated my ilok and no problems here. (i only run 2 slate demos and east west goliath though).

However, VBC does not work within cubase 6.5 over here.. i updated everything but it simply crashes cubase. "A serious error has occured bla bla bla").


i can get the FG MU to work though, the rest simply crash cubase (6.0.5 64bit) with the
same error message appearing, WTF!? :erk:
The ILok update was painless. Ahhh!

I'm running Cubase 7.04 and it appears that the 64bit VST3 install is not working. I can't even find the plug in after install. I also found it odd that there is an option to change the plug in install location for every plug in except for the 64bit VST3 option. What's up with this? Can the Slate team acknowledge there is no working VST3 version yet?

I can confirm that 64bit VST2 is working in Cubase 7.04. Although the plug in is not listed properly. It just says "Slate Digital". Not "Slate Digital Virtual Buss Compressors".

EDIT... Just ran some drums through FG Grey. WOAH! I'm really impressed!!! I've got a lot more testing to do, but I think Slate just answered my prayers!
Well, I have no outboard gear experience, so I can't comment on if this is the real deal or not, but immediately found it easy to dial something in that added to the sound, rather than trying to tweak and squeeze something out. Well impressed.
Just running through the FG-Mu adds an immediate air and depth to the track.

FG-Red goes great guns on vocals.

FG-Grey on the Drum-Bass Buss is...well...I don't know any objective term for it. The bass is sitting with the drums in a way I've never been able to achieve before.

Overall, wow. And this is only 30 mins with it.
that thing sounds like a transiet designer/comp/freq enhancer/eq/multibandcomp/saturator. Is the hardware THAT good? the difference is huge!
First mix / master using VBC below in signature. It was a quick case of "slap it on a few busses, get it sounding punchy". I'm very happy with it, it's enabled me another step up in what i can do in-the-box.
that thing sounds like a transiet designer/comp/freq enhancer/eq/multibandcomp/saturator. Is the hardware THAT good? the difference is huge!

I remember when I used to mix on an aws 900, the buss comp didn't seem to do what it's doing here, it didn't change as much, it was really really simar to Duende G comp. The vca comps found on channelstrips / x-rack, now that I never heard in a digital plugin.

Doesn't matter to me that it's not 100% the same aslong as it rules

i can get the FG MU to work though, the rest simply crash cubase (6.0.5 64bit) with the
same error message appearing, WTF!? :erk:

From gearslutz i got a reply:

VST3 format has some noted issues our developers are taking care of, please use VST2 for the interim, and reactivate license and re-sync/repair your iLok in ILM should you see no iLok found message.


Worked like a charm for me.. try it for now.

btw, holy shit this plugin sounds GREAT! :kickass:
is there a way to hide complete threads in this forum? i want to wait buying it until black friday, and this thread isn't helping much... :P
Is there an option to get it without the ilok if you guys have one? Im asking because im buying from abroad so its a bit of a hastle.
First mix / master using VBC below in signature. It was a quick case of "slap it on a few busses, get it sounding punchy". I'm very happy with it, it's enabled me another step up in what i can do in-the-box.

That sounds pretty sweet. Did you use any of the comps on the master buss?