Vehemence In Search For New Vocalist

The "hits" huh? Sounds good! Lol. I'm definitely looking foward to hearing your new material, and shall do so with an open mind. I'm sure whoever you guys go with will be a great fit for the new material, cause I know you guys well enough to know you're not gonna screw yourselves and your music over with a shitty vocalist. And I'm sure whoever you pick will be talented enough to adapt himself to the "hits" or whatever so we don't miss Nathan too much at the live shows. The new guy will have some huge shoes to fill, but I've got faith you'll pick someone more then worthy.

And I'm sure you'd never turn into anything as crappy as 18 visions. I saw those guys live once, opening for someone, god did they suck ass. As long as you guys stay together, no way you'll ever be as shitty as them, you'll all way too talented. Lol. Clean vocals don't bother me one way or the other, I don't see a place for them in current Vehemence music, but who knows with the new stuff, right? But since Bjorn is so against them, no worries!
18 visions's record may be promoted everywhere, but when I heard the album, the prodcution doesnt live up to the promotion of the album. It doesnt have that Killswitch, Shadows fall type recording as I would expect from a band that spends so much time in promoting their album. A new vocalist for us will be able to do the screams, growls, pretty much everything.
my top replacements , frank rini from I.B., also the dude who did vox on disincarnated,can understand all his vox.,ben from soilent, he is beond diverse.,but the only lokill dude I know ,gave nate alot of inspiration, is richard from occision. but he may be to mono for you.
The guy doing that did vocals for Disincarnate is in a rap rock band now, well was as far as I know. The remasterred version is fucking awsome. In other usless information, Maya Rudolph from S.N.L. has the same brithday as me, and was in The Rentals (with Matt Sharp ex-weezer) haha some non metal info for yas, I listen to everything..
