The Nightmare Has Begun..
I would like to personally thank everyone that dropped by the Nightmare tables, (and for that matter... all the vendors tables) and dropped your hard earned / saved money on music and memorabilia.

This helps in many ways you may not realize, giving labels more money to work with to help put out more albums and support bands, helps bands by giving them more to work with on tours, each of the vendors at this event, are there because it's cool for the fans, it's good for the bands, as well as the vendors working hard everyday to keep bringing you guys the goods.

I would encourage you to buy on the vendors websites rather than on Amazon for instance, Amazon takes 55% label/distro's revenue off the top as their cut.
yes it's a great place to buy, but if you know the vendors and trust them, why not help the bands and labels a little more and buy from their sites instead, giving them more to work with again to help keep bringing you the goods!

Also if you do pay downloads, the ones that payout the most to artists and labels directly are ITUNES and CDBABY, these payout loads more to the artists and labels directly, so please show your support of these two sites for your downloads. And soon Nightmare records will have a great many more titles to offer on download as well!

Thank you again, you guys are the greatest fans in the world....stay tuned for Nightmare metal Fest II coming in March!
On behalf of all the Nightmare Records family, we salute you!:headbang:

PS: if you really enjoyed something, please post a review of it on the new website and here in the forums to help
spread the word on the good stuff.
Okay, now i am pissed, this new AVIAN has not only exceeded all my expectations, but has vaulted to the #1 position on my best of 2008, so why am i pissed? I can't seem to get it back from either my daughters or my wife long enough to listen to it more. Yeah they stole it as soon as i walked in the door and I haven't seen it since. I am pissed that I didn't get 3 copies instead of one.
Both Steve and I plunked down some serious cash at your table. And like I said before - you are definately the man. Cheers to you and Nightmare Records! :headbang:

p.s. I didn't know that was J-man at the booth with you Lance... Greets goes out to you as well.
Hey Lance, your two boxes of Nightmare postcards/flyers arrived on my doorstep yesterday - in plenty of time for ProgPower USA X!!! :headbang:

LOL. I'll be sending those along with the skid of material that Keith is shipping back to you. He'll pick the boxes up from me this evening.

Oh, and in my haste to get JOP on the road, we accidentally sent your one box of shirts and material with the tour. I'll have it sent on to you by Fed-Ex or UPS later this week - probably from Detroit. I can trust Bryan to get it in the mail to you. Sorry for the mix-up, but when one van is used for two different groups, something is liable to get screwed up. :loco: Just be glad John Zahner didn't end up strapped to your skid. LMAO!

Yeah, I am just that tired and delirious from the weekend. :p
Both Steve and I plunked down some serious cash at your table. And like I said before - you are definately the man. Cheers to you and Nightmare Records! :headbang:

p.s. I didn't know that was J-man at the booth with you Lance... Greets goes out to you as well.

Yup J-man would be the older gentleman, and Brent would be the younger gentleman...Christian was back there for a little while as well.

Thanks for dropping the big bucks, that's what we like ; )

Hey Lance, your two boxes of Nightmare postcards/flyers arrived on my doorstep yesterday - in plenty of time for ProgPower USA X!!! :headbang:

LOL. I'll be sending those along with the skid of material that Keith is shipping back to you. He'll pick the boxes up from me this evening.

Oh, and in my haste to get JOP on the road, we accidentally sent your one box of shirts and material with the tour. I'll have it sent on to you by Fed-Ex or UPS later this week - probably from Detroit. I can trust Bryan to get it in the mail to you. Sorry for the mix-up, but when one van is used for two different groups, something is liable to get screwed up. :loco: Just be glad John Zahner didn't end up strapped to your skid. LMAO!

Yeah, I am just that tired and delirious from the weekend. :p

Thanks Hoyt....glad the shirt's were figured out!
I'll give Keith a call regarding the shipment, still need to get the weight so I can set up the FedEx pickup.

Lance, thanks so much for being very cool to us and for giving away some CD's for us. You're a class act.

absolutely guys, people love free stuff ; ) and I'm glad to help you get it out there when your ready to sell it!
Right on, Lance! I hope you made a killing at the tales! I bought 2 discs directly from you-the newest from Avian and Scelerata. Both discs are in my Top 10 for this year! Hal!