Venom in Classic Rock magazine


Oct 14, 2003
Does anyone here read this mag? It's an English mag, pretty pricey for us here in the US, but it's a great mag. Anyway, in the June issue they did an article on the "20 Hottest Bands" of the NWOBHM scene, which was ok but debatable... they included Rock Goddess but not Girlschool! I'm a big fan of Rock Goddess but I don't know if you can mention them without Girlschool.

Also in the mag is a GREAT interview with Cronos from Venom, the guy seems to just not give a fuck about anything! :lol: Funny!!! Did you ever meet him Hawk? Geoff Barton wrote the article and in it he explains why he thinks Venom was THE most important band from the NWOBHM scene. If you get a chance grab a copy, for those 2 article are worth checking out, plus the mag is a good over all read.