Venting and pot smoking

Weapon X

Raised to be Lowered
Jul 25, 2002
Ontario, Canada
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Canada is bringing in new Pot laws that allow a person to have a small amount of pot in their possession.


The States a threating retaliation if Canada eases it's Pot laws. WTF?
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]David Murray, right-hand man to U.S. "drug czar" John Walters, says he doesn't want to tread on another country's sovereignty, but warned there would be consequences if Canada proceeds with a plan to decriminalize the possession of marijuana. [/font]
Then don't tread on our sovereignty, stick nose outta our business. We don't threaten them cause they allow guns to be legal, but hey Pot is so much more dangerous than Guns :rolleyes:
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Murray tried to express the feeling in the U.S. that looser drug laws go hand-in-hand with increase in crime and drug addiction among youth, and used some apocalyptic language to do it. [/font]
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"You can't wall this off saying, 'We're only talking about a little cannabis.' Our experience is they come together like the Four Horsemen," he said.
What an idiot, what is he the Mayor of Toronto, he talks like a moron. It does not increase crime, it's not addicting, ppl not need it, so no one would rob, steal to pay for it like a Herione addict might. In other countries that have legalized it, their crime rate hasn't increased significantly, if anything it drops cause all the ppl that would be charge, fined or jailed aren't holding up the criminal system, and costing the taxpayers a ton of money
"It's not just Canada's relationship with the United States that would change; it's Canada's relationship with the world," he said.
How? With the States maybe, but the rest of the world, you gotta be kidding me. It's guys like this one that gives America a bad name.

How many European countries have laxed their pot laws, have they been repamanded? Honestly if you live in one, let everyone know what the consequences are. Besides we got a millitary to embarrass us on a global scale, Pot laws is nothing.


Should small amounts of Pot be legalize

Does Legalized Pot increase Crime Rate in a country (yours or others)
Hey, I'm not complaining. If alcohol is legal, marijuana should be as well.
A bit of weed never hurt anything. I'm all for legalizing marijuana. I guess it's okay for the US to stuff frozen corpses with herion and sell it to fund CIA operations in Vietnam, but if a neighbouring country wants to legalize marijuana, then god damn, it's the fucking apocalypse.
I never thought of the government above us, its all about people who make the surroundings outside of politics. Do what thou will. No government will bind my will. blah.

I seen a similar article some years back in Spin mag. about US making Canadiaan police crack down or else. What bunch of shit.

My great grandfather was part of the underground railroad against prohibition of alchohol in the 20s and another used to get marijuana from the government through the mail when I was 10 (Whide that cum out) so big deal.
I don't think it should be a punishable crime for possession, but I also don't think it should be unrestricted.

That being said, look at my avatar. :p
The plan is not so much to legalize it, as to decriminalize possession of small amounts. That is, selling it is still illegal. Possessing it will still net you a fine. But possessing it won't result in jail time or a criminal record, thus freeing up the courts for real issues.
Cigarettes kill 400,000 per year, and they are legal.
Alcohol kills 80,000 per year, and it is legal.
There is no documented cases of marijuana killing anyone, and they are illegal. Need I say more?
I don't even smoke

Pot should be legal with restrictions and laws to control it. What laws countries choose to do, it is those countries decision. Countries should not be threatened for passing laws such as this cause another country disagrees with it.
Lethe78 said:
Cigarettes kill 400,000 per year, and they are legal.
Alcohol kills 80,000 per year, and it is legal.
There is no documented cases of marijuana killing anyone, and they are illegal. Need I say more?

Im not really sure but I would imagine the carcinagens wouldn't be much different then tobacco, either way I dont think it impairs any more than alchohol, and it keeps alchoholics like me drinking a few less in the work week when its present.