VH2 - Top 100 Air Guitar Anthems


Jan 9, 2003
West Sussex
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Recently on VH2 they showed the above:

The Top 5 was as follows: :erk:

1/ Sweet Child of Mine - Guns and Roses

2/ All along the Watchtower - Jimi Hendrix

3/ Seven Nation Army - White Stripes

4/ Back in Black - AC / DC

5/ Give it Away - Red Hot Chili Peppers

Now am I just being old fashioned :confused: (harking back to my mis-spent youth @ Jillys Manchester before it became Rockworld, showing my age!) but to me a Top Air Guitar anthem was something that got me inspired to hit the dance floor in the Chip fat encrusted hole Jilly's was back then for example songs like......................

Battle Hymms - Manowar
Kickstart my Heart - Motley Crue
Ace of Spades - Motorhead
Whole Lotta Rosie - AC / DC


Salisbury Hill - Peter Gabriel

Goddamit, inspired me? :headbang:
Fingers - you may be old-fashioned but you are correct, my friend!

'Sweet Child Of Mine'? my Arse!!!

We had a similiar rock joint here in Cheltenham - 'The Night Owl' RIP!!

Now, whilst very drunk, I would not stop at having a bit of a jig to the following:

AC/DC - Whole Lotta Rosie
MotorHead - Ace Of Spades
Led Zeppelin - Rock n Roll
Judas Priest - Living After Midnight
Metallica - Enter Sandman

As for this Guns & Roses and White Stripes nonsense? Like I said - My Arse!

Fingers - as for Peter Gabriel... No worries, you hae my support! No matter how ambient he is, I think the guy is a genius! The best thing he ever did was leave Genesis! 'Solsbury Hill' is a bloody classic!!
should be retitled as VH2 top 100 air guitar anthems that they have on video and are currently on rotation for ever and ever and ever. Sorry but Sweet child? they only have that and November rain anyway! both bore the shite out of me, lets have a bit of Killed by death or heaven forbid, Painkiller! more chance of platting piss with Vh whatever
Macc - I think you have summed up these 'Top Of' charts exactly!
They are stretching every piece of video tape they have. And, in a business sense, this is pretty good practice! But it also explains why they haven't got anything by Saxon, Priest, Zeppelin etc. But it is a little unfair to favour one band against another, simply because a video was available!
I presume Hendrix was included because they had a great video clip? It was either that, or the producers realised that they needed to add a little pedigree and history to their compilation to make it more credible!
Like I've said before - Guns n Roses my Arse!
Nightwar - Im just guessing here but.....are you really a huge 'Guns n Roses' fan and are just so frustrated because you have been waiting since 1999 for 'chinese democracy' to be released ??? :tickled: lol
Valanx - I can assure you that I ain't no Guns 'n Roses fan. I may have pretended to like them in my younger years, whilst courting young ladies that enjoyed to play GnR albums when they were making out, but this listening was purely on an exploitive level in order to gain sexual gratification! As a bloke, I'm sure you can relate to that!! We'd do anything to get some, wouldn't we?
Seriously, I am not at all partial to GnR, but I have no problems with them... other than the singer was a bit of a wanker, and all their songs were crap... Oh and that guitarist with the silly hat was a tosser...
Of course, I'm joking.... Or am I?
Paxo - Yeah, Peter Gabriel. 'Solsbury Hill' is a top song, but not I would call a Rock anthem, let alone an Air Guitar anthem! Still, Peter Gabriel could probably teach that little, ratty bloke singer out of GnR a thing or two!!
something about the trooper that makes my fingers run up the invisible fret board

1. The trooper.
2. Zeps Rock n Roll

3. freebird

4. Breakingthe Law or Living after midnight

5. Boys are back in town
If anything, Guns n Roses should be recognised for helping to bring a better looking class of female to the rock\metal scene in the early\mid 90's....I for one owe Axl Rose a good few beers :p and it was'nt that hard to pretend to be a fan!!!!

"That Damn *insert name here* ex-girlfriend of mine, she stole my g'n'r cd's" That kind of thing would always work for moments where i may have been caught out :tickled:
Well im a big Guns n Roses FAN!! And you lot talk out of ur arss! They are the greatest Rock n Roll band.... and i dont see why people have such a big problem with them. Do you think they would acctually care what you lot thought ... they got where they wanted to go in life .
They had there own stlyle of music and how they dress...etc etc......... they was different from all the other rock bands, And that is why they were so popular!!!!