Vicious Rumor Fans....2007 Tour, FL Date.


Apr 30, 2004
Sunshine State
Vicious Rumors will be playing at the Bourbon Street Night Club in New Port Richey, FL (Tampa area) on Friday March 16th. Openers will be Chaos & a special acoustic set from Wade Black formerly of Leatherwolf & Crimson Glory. Cover is only $10.00. You can check the info here: just click on Events. Should be a great show.

Other tour dates:

Jan. 27 USA San Francisco The Independant with Testament & Ruffians.
Feb. 23 USA Santa Rosa Santa Rosa, CA
Feb. 24 USA Alameda Alameda, CA
Mar. 08 USA San Antonio San Antonio, TX
Mar. 09 USA Corpus Christi Corpus Christi, TX
Mar. 10 USA Houston Houston, TX
Mar. 15 USA Palmetto Palmetto, FL
Mar. 16 USA Tampa Tampa, FL
Mar. 17 PR Cayey Cayey, Puerto Rico
Mar. 21 USA Detroit Detroit, MI
Mar. 22 USA Ohio Ohio - tba
Mar. 23 USA Ohio Ohio - tba
Mar. 24 USA Ohio Ohio - tba
Apr. 12 USA Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA
Apr. 13 USA San Diego San Diego, CA
Apr. 14 USA Las Vegas Las Vegas, NV
Apr. 16 Japan tba tba
Apr. 17 Japan tba tba
Apr. 18 Japan tba tba
Apr. 19 Japan tba tba
Apr. 20 Japan tba tba
May Europe tba tba
GYAH! nowhere near ATL of course. :erk:

The time frame that they could play an ATL date would put them coming through here while I am in Charleston, SC on vacation (Mar 11-17). dammit! :mad:
Original VICIOUS RUMORS bassist Dave Starr has once again left the band as of January 23, 2007. Dave played bass on the first five VICIOUS RUMORS albums (and was featured in several other VICIOUS RUMORS DVDs, MTV videos, and band compilations). He returned to the band in 2005 to record the new "Warball" CD in 2006.

Commented Starr: "My history with VICIOUS RUMORS goes back nearly 23 years, and in many ways the band will always be a part of me. However, it's time for me to concentrate 100% of my time and energy on my own music, my own band, and playing guitar. My band WILDESTARR (along with incredible vocalist London Wilde) is something I have been working on for a few years now, and I took time off from this to work with VICIOUS RUMORS again and record the 'Warball' album. I am happy with the way the new VICIOUS RUMORS CD came out, and thrilled with the response it has received so far from the fans and press. It was great to play and record with VICIOUS RUMORS again. I remain on good terms with everyone in the band and wish them well in the future."

Look for the debut CD by WILDESTARR in late 2007. Dave describes the bands sound as "heavy, melodic, and intense."

VICIOUS RUMORS released "Warball" in the U.S. in October. Two short samples from "Warball" — "Sonic Rebellion" and "Mr. Miracle" — are available at the band's official web site.
Original VICIOUS RUMORS bassist Dave Starr has once again left the band as of January 23, 2007. Dave played bass on the first five VICIOUS RUMORS albums (and was featured in several other VICIOUS RUMORS DVDs, MTV videos, and band compilations). He returned to the band in 2005 to record the new "Warball" CD in 2006.

Commented Starr: "My history with VICIOUS RUMORS goes back nearly 23 years, and in many ways the band will always be a part of me. However, it's time for me to concentrate 100% of my time and energy on my own music, my own band, and playing guitar. My band WILDESTARR (along with incredible vocalist London Wilde) is something I have been working on for a few years now, and I took time off from this to work with VICIOUS RUMORS again and record the 'Warball' album. I am happy with the way the new VICIOUS RUMORS CD came out, and thrilled with the response it has received so far from the fans and press. It was great to play and record with VICIOUS RUMORS again. I remain on good terms with everyone in the band and wish them well in the future."

Look for the debut CD by WILDESTARR in late 2007. Dave describes the bands sound as "heavy, melodic, and intense."

VICIOUS RUMORS released "Warball" in the U.S. in October. Two short samples from "Warball" — "Sonic Rebellion" and "Mr. Miracle" — are available at the band's official web site.

It's all good. I feel a sense of relief to be honest, I have been sitting on the fence for months about this decision. I am very excited about about having my own band, my own music, being the guy in charge. This is long overdue for me.
Anyone into Priest, VR, Savatge, etc. will like what we (WildeStarr) are doing. Right now, I am doing all the guitars and bass. I might bring in a second guitarist at some point.
Stay tuned!
