Victorious March, synthetic Techno-Remix!!

Das Nebelhorn

New Metal Member
Mar 23, 2005
Hi there, Amon Amarth Fans

This is something for you! The legendary dark-hip-hop-band FATUM ( ) produced a completely synthetic remix of the glorious "Victorious March" by Amon Amarth. It ist called "Hufiger Marsch" an you can get it here:
Hufiger Marsch.mp3
The German lyrics can be read here:

And ultimately, feedback ist very desired! Please sign to our guestbook and leave a short note whether you like or dislike the song!

Enjoy guys!!
Das Nebelhorn
dark-hip-hop band??? mmmmkay...

anyway i listened to it and its certainly not heavy enough for me (espially in comparison to the real AA song), and the voice is fucking weird. cause i know the original song it sounds kinda ridiculous.. this sounds more like electro goth than dark hip hop or whatever the fuck. when other bands cover songs do they need the agreement of the original band?

anyway that reminds me i hadnt listened to the first version of Victorious March yet... cause i didnt find the viking edition of VTW :( so i'm listening to it now.... aaaaah thats much better! shit AA should write more songs in swedish. no?
I like it, seriously, even though it's a "joke", however please don't do AA songs anymore, perhaps Hoothe and the Blowfish.

Shit, it gets better after the second listen, especially when the black metal vocals kick in..

also, it's definitielly not a hip-hop anything, change the title, as hip-hop word itself makes me wanna pukee puke
dark hip-hop!?!?!
Sounds nice but the song sucks.....

Now fucking techno groups will cover metal melodies..... :yuk:

And why are nazi symbols on that fatum site!?!?

That's not funny....
By Jove, Thou art god! Nebelhorn, I admire thee! Thou hast brought "Victorious March" to perfection!
First of all, dear metal-fellows, thanks for your numerous messages! I really appreciate that you answered so quickly.
I'll of course answer your questions and suggestions as well:

Tomasz said:
also, it's definitielly not a hip-hop anything,
This must be a misunderstanding. The track "Hufiger Marsch" has of course nothing to do with hip-hop. It's a side project by the hip-hop-band Fatum. I'd say the song itself is some kind of electro/techno.

when other bands cover songs do they need the agreement of the original band?
Do you really think that it is illegal to cover songs? Or: Do you really think that Amon Amarth invented the theme of the Victorious March and it has not been invented some decades or centurys ago? ;)

is nothing sacred?
I'm afraid to reveal the truth to you, that nothing may be sacred on this earth.

And why are nazi symbols on that fatum site!?!?

That's not funny....
Actually we think that it is funny, oh yes... :hotjump:

i remember back when it was cool to make death metal songs into techno.
Ey, chill out, friend. Everyone has to start somewhere. Unfortunately this is my first Death-Metal-to-Techno transformation, and I think that it was quite interesting and humorous to produce the song.

ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS THE FUNNIEST SHIT i have EVER heard..........LOL i couldnt stop laughing the whole time. Wtf are those sounds? Like dogs/cast/seagulls? I think this remix is fucking halirious! i suggest everyone downloads it and see's the comedy in it.
Thank you for your positive feedback. I think you got it! The song is actually not meant to be serious, or even commercial! :loco: It was great fun to mix down this track and thats all....No it's not! YOU all may have some fun too in hearing the song.

Ah, I nearly forgot: The strange sounds are screamings of male and female peacocks! :D

Again, enjoy!
And stay banging hard. :headbang:
Das Nebelhorn
oh i didnt realise this was a joke band... if i had looked at the website i might have guessed with those gay ass pics and drawings lol
personnally i like joke bands (especially if its metal) just to get a laugh from time to time, so if you have fun in this project well i've got one thing to say :
"all is best in the best of the worlds possible".

anyway your desecration of Victorious March is half pardonned then.
Well, it does really sound like a joke song...the voice is hilarious! I don't really understand what the peacocks are doing there...?

Anyway, I prefer the original. It's the first AA song I heard made a fan.
metal devi said:
I don't really understand what the peacocks are doing there...?

If you'd understand the german lyrics, which are not only a translation, but really new lyrics, then it would be clear. I regret that most of you speak english. :Smug:
Just for the guys fucking butchered that song you assholes...way to go dumbass....When amon amarth plays it...its victorious march....when you play it...its lame ass loser march....
OnceSealedInBlood said:
I tired to put this message in the guestbook...but it wouldnt let here: You fucking suck you faggits!

that would be "faggots". geeze i thought you liked Korn... how can you misspell this? :D