Victorious March, synthetic Techno-Remix!!

Knowing that it's a joke, the techno remix isn't terrible. I enjoy the Lord of the Rings Smigel vocals. :)
Why the fuck did you do that to a good song. It's not even funny. Plus you have nazi shit on your queer ass website, that sucks.
Ahum, well, one can use other people's materials till the cows come home as long as one gives the original creators credit if the material is printed or copied (i.e. reproduced in any way, shape or form), and to a certain extent, that occasionally involves money. If the song is reproduced, one also has to get permision from the original creators to do so. It is all very involved as soon as music gets reproduced, so it's not really fair to jeer at Celtik for inquiring. Especially since he's right. You have, however, said it's not done for commercial purposes. I think AA is a bit weary because their image and music has been used in ways that they did not approve of in the past, to associate them with things of which they did not approve. Anyhow, what's that saying about the greatest form of flattery? It applies here, I think, no?
aah thx tyra :p, but yeah i dont think this sucky song was made for commercial reasons. anyway how could this shit ever sell? how the fuck could they find a producer in the first place? :grin:
well for me releasing is one thing, commercialising is another! i'd think to commercialise something a kind of "production" would be necessary. anyway i meant to talk about commercialising it, please enlight me more if i'm wrong. (oops, i feel my explanation is incomprehensible... whatever)
i seriously doubt that TheLastWithPaganBlood. i guess some people associated their lyrics as images... saying they were metaphores for NS stuff. for example "bastard of a lying breed, you've rules us for too long, truth to you are lies to me and your right is so wrong" could be associated by fools to the jews being the bastard lyings about the holocauste... this is stupid.
this is why in the Fate Of Norns booklet, there's a note saying "all subliminal messages found on this recording are pure fragments of your twisted imagination. FREAK!"
In RokHard magazine, in an interview with Johan Hegg, he says something about at the time that they came out, many people associated them with patriotism (ooohh, dangerous!) and National Socialism because of their lyrics and so on; my gGerman is not good enough to really understand it. In Sweden we have a quite popular musical genre called "Viking Rock". Bands belonging to this genre u´sually praie Sweden, the Nordic history and sing aout 'the Olde Times' if you know what I mean, so I can see the connection. These bands are often accused of being racists in the media and by many socialists etc.
i heard some while ago that in sweden and other scandinavian countries, someone who wears a thor's hammer is looked upon as being nationalist, hence racist for the simple minded unpatriotic decadent western europeans... is this true?
Youre kinda right, I must regret to say. At least in the big cities that is the case. On the other hand, the vast majority of swedes live in citys no larger than 60 000 people, and it seems to me that in the smaller societies people are more nationalistic and its more ok. but like in stockholm alot of people will look upon you with certain sucpicion
Belgar, I have been lucky enough to visited Swedish cities and villages or hamlets or whatever, and my feeling is that that is the case. But perhaps in Belgian villages the amount of humanist socialist wannabe-patriots is larger than in the cities, I don't know......

@ this whole thread and the song.