Video Games to Symphony X


New Metal Member
Jun 14, 2009
Does anyone else like listening Symphony X while gaming? What games?

I usually listen to it while playing World of Warcraft and maybe Fable.

(FYI, I wish Symphony X had a track or a few in Guitar Hero).
Sure I listen to everything when playing, and I'm playing games all the time. A few days ago I played a Civ4 game spanning throughout the whole Symphony X discography.

I don't own any consoles as I'm a nerd and I only play RPGs and strategy games.

Back when I played World of Warcraft I usually listened to 60 and 70s music during raids. And Therion.
I listened Symphony X a lot when I played Lineage 2 and sometimes when I play heroes 3 :P

It's funny how some songs bring back memories of certain situations in the game.
How is Lineage? I've been looking into playing it.

Well I've only played in pirate servers so I haven't got the same idea as in retail. Some of the pirate servers have like 4k players online all the time so even though it's not even close to the retail, it's enough for me :P

It's pretty much leveling, raiding, sieges and pvp... Not like Ultima Online where you can actually do almost anything :P

Lineage 2 has pretty cool mobs andl Bosses like Antharas and Valakas (on retail they got like 600 players killing Antharas and it took like 2hours or something) , check some videos from tube.

To be honest there's not much to do but I really like it, dunno why. :lol:
Gamma Ray is *the* video game music, but I don't mind SX either. In fact, I was playing Paper Mario 2 once while the Odyssey was on, and now I always associate the two, goddamnit.
I use to play quake 2 listining to sx alot , sea of lies went well with the game infact if i remember there was a riff in quake 2 a little bit like it

anyway now you got me wanting to try listing to SX while playing crysis hmmm
I use to play quake 2 listining to sx alot , sea of lies went well with the game infact if i remember there was a riff in quake 2 a little bit like it

anyway now you got me wanting to try listing to SX while playing crysis hmmm

Both of those games have really good music at it is!

I could see listening to Symphony X during Quake II, since you're just running around and shooting things (no dialogue), but not for Crysis. It would seem out of place to me, anyway.
I played WipEout HD while listening to Divine Wings of Tragedy the other day... not exactly the best match, since the fast-paced gameplay begs for trance/d&b music, but I perform much better if I can listen to songs I like. :rolleyes:
Uhmmm... Diablo II comes to mind. Killing monsters while listening to The Accolade... nice memories. Oh! And Doom (1 & 2)
not faggy pve raids though lol
oh well i am looking forward of grinding in Aion when it comes out while listening to SX