Who's first Symphony X song was Evolution?


Amateur Dentist
May 13, 2002
I just think if there's any way to get into Symphony X, the way I would go is by listening to this this.........creation.....this......this...........monument.......... :eek:

And so I have, and this was good.

So yeah, anyone else entered Symphony X via Evolution's glittering gold carpet? :D

Sure it might have been easier to just ask what your first song was but I think that's already been done. Consider this a category of Evolution appreciation threads if you will.
Well, sort of. It wasn't technically the first Symphony X song I heard; a year earlier, someone had played part of a Symphony X album, but it was on in the background when I was with a large group of people. I'm not even sure what album it was. But I bought V when it came out, so after Prelude, it was the first Symphony X song that I really listened to.
After a person mentioned Symphony X on the Dream Theater board, I had to check it out. Audiogalaxy Satellite had everything at the time, and Evolution was the first song on the list, so that was the first to download. It hit me like a ton of bricks, and I've been a HUGE fan ever since. Actually, now it's one of the songs I don't like as much anymore, but it still rocks. One of their cd's has been in constant rotation for 2 years now, and I never get tired of the absolute magnificent musicianship, incredible songwriting, and the best singer money can't buy. I've bought everything they've released, except for the 1st album, and will continue to listen until they get the credit that we know they all deserve.

My 7 cents.

:headbang: :tickled:
Originally posted by Demonspell
My first was Smoke And Mirrors. But I experienced a similar reaction after hearing Evolution for the first time...my face was like this by the time the first chorus passed... :eek:

I can relate to that. :eek:
Yeah that was the first syx song I heard, I was fooling around in audiogalaxy (where I got to know lots of bands) I downloaded the song and here I am :D
Yeah I guess you can say my first was "Evolution" I listened to sound clips of "Fallen" before buying V, and Evolution was the first full song I listened to, its one of my favorites off V :D :p
evolution was my first song.. i got hooked after the fist time i heard it. .
"Here we are - Children of Sun and Stars
the first to know and to understand
Living by the Law of the Ages
prophets and sages - forging Utopia" :headbang:

Anyone else going to see Opeth saturday at the Palladium?
Actually, I have heard the first album already, before SX hit me big time.
"Of Sins And Shadows" was the first song I have completely recognized but "Out Of The Ashes" floored me. This part:
I've been beaten with his words and whipped whith his lies, he will not break me down no matter how hard he tries pray for my lost soul...

"Evolution", nonetheless is one of my fave songs from "V". It just rips.