Who's first Symphony X song was Evolution?

Originally posted by BastrdDrmr
No way would Inferno be the best opener. Opening with Evolution is by far the best choice. When they did that sucker live it hit me like a ton of fucking bricks. All those starts and stops and those keyboard sweep(not like sweeping arpeggios, you guitar gurus) things were fucking insane.

I love both songs... and think they would both make great openers.
Originally posted by Gaddr
my first Symphony X song was Fallen, I was searching for something like Dream theater and downloaded that song from Audiogalaxy and there was no turning back, I was already a fan!!!

"Fallen" is amazing... perfect... wonderful... I think it still remains my favorite Symphony X songs... and one of my favorite songs ever... certainly of Symphony X's darkest songs... Russell brought it to a new level of aggression on the live disc.
Whoa, my first Symphony X song was Evolution too! When I heard that speedy riffage I about shit a brick.:eek: I had never heard ANYTHING like it. Then I heard MJR's soloing ability... My friend ripped me a copy of V The New Mythology suite (arr, matey, I'm a pirate) and thus my love affair with Symphony X began.
Originally posted by ProgMetalFan
"Fallen" is amazing... perfect... wonderful... I think it still remains my favorite Symphony X songs... and one of my favorite songs ever... certainly of Symphony X's darkest songs... Russell brought it to a new level of aggression on the live disc.

My thoughts exactly. Evolution is great, but it was Fallen that really got me hooked.