Who's first Symphony X song was Evolution?

Yup, evolution was my first song of theirs.

symphony x "v" was a total blind purchase for me just because a friend of mine praised the hell out of the band. So i picked it up when i saw it in Sam Goody (of all places) and have been a fan since.
I really don't remember what was the first song I heard. It was while listening to an Internet radio station (don't remember which one) and I only caught the name of the band, Symphony X.

I immediately went out and got "V" (as it was their latest at the time) and when I heard "Evolution" I was HOOKED!!!! The rest instantly became a masterpiece for me.
My first was "Of Sins and Shadows" because a good friend of mine asked me if I'd ever heard of Symphony X and I said no. So he gave me Divine Wings and on my way home, I put it in the cd player, and the rest is history.
Originally posted by AgainSTream
my first song was "Smoke and Mirrors" :OMG:

Hahaha! SAME HERE!

Well actually, I heard a clip of "The Pharaoh" and I was disgusted (Back when I was a music newb) and I was like, what the hell is this? But then I downloaded "Smoke and Mirrors" And I think I shat my pants!

However, Evolution was the first song that really really got me hooked into SX. A friend bought the cd, and I was dumbfounded. :D

Originally posted by cutlas7
After a person mentioned Symphony X on the Dream Theater board, I had to check it out. Audiogalaxy Satellite had everything at the time, and Evolution was the first song on the list, so that was the first to download. It hit me like a ton of bricks, and I've been a HUGE fan ever since. Actually, now it's one of the songs I don't like as much anymore, but it still rocks. One of their cd's has been in constant rotation for 2 years now, and I never get tired of the absolute magnificent musicianship, incredible songwriting, and the best singer money can't buy. I've bought everything they've released, except for the 1st album, and will continue to listen until they get the credit that we know they all deserve.

My 7 cents.

:rock: :tickled:

This is EXACTLY what happened to me! I downloaded "Evolution" and was absolutely floored! Such an amazing riff.:eek:
My first song was evolution as well. Me and a friend were a lot into Ayreon at the time and we came across Dawn of a Million Souls, which led to a friend buying V. I was totally blown away by it.
Originally posted by Demonspell
I think we can all agree that Evolution would be the perfect song to introduce someone to Symphony X based on the evidence here...and the most logical show opener.

I don't know...I think "Inferno" would be the best song to intorduce someone to SX; and Sonata/In the Dragon's Den to be the best show opener.:cool:
Originally posted by Prismatic Sphere
I don't know...I think "Inferno" would be the best song to intorduce someone to SX; and Sonata/In the Dragon's Den to be the best show opener.:cool:

I use Incarnations Of The Apprentice when I introduce new people to Symphony X, most of the times.. My first song was "In the dragons den" though, and that pretty much did the trick for me.

The best show opener would probaly be Inferno or so... Just imagine the crowd going nuts 2 seconds into the song.. They would KNOW what to do, if you know what I mean :)
"In the dragons den " wouldn't be bad either though ;)
No way would Inferno be the best opener. Opening with Evolution is by far the best choice. When they did that sucker live it hit me like a ton of fucking bricks. All those starts and stops and those keyboard sweep(not like sweeping arpeggios, you guitar gurus) things were fucking insane.
my first Symphony X song was Fallen, I was searching for something like Dream theater and downloaded that song from Audiogalaxy and there was no turning back, I was already a fan!!!
Started with Evolution here as well. Ravings on another message board system drove me to buy V. I've since bought the rest of the studio albums.

Great stuff, all of it!! Except for the self-titled disc.