Video shoot...

dear winter said:
Somebody can help me? I only know novembers doom with "to welcome to fade", and what album can you recommend me? the album which more describe the band

This is very hard to do, because each CD represents a different time, and a different mindset of the band. For instance, the first CD, Amid its Hallowed Mirth is all about being slow, heavy, doomy, and boring. hahaha The second CD, Of Sculptured Ivy and Stone Flowers is a huge leap from Amid, it's still got the slow, doomy moments, but this movied more into a melodic death metal style, but there's much more to it then that. The Knowing is our 3rd release, and has a more laid back, and "dreamy" feel to it. It expanded on Sculptured Ivy, and you can start to see the seperation of heavy and light songs on this CD. The 4th is the one you have, To Welcome the Fade, and to me has some of the best, and some of the not-so-best songs from the band. We really split the musical influences on this CD, a bit too much in my opinion. If you can wait until March 8th, The Pale Haunt Departure comes out, and it is the first CD that is pretty consistant from start to finish, where everything feels in place. It does have a wide spectrum of influences on it, it's not just all heavy. As I've said before, the heavy moments are the heaviest we've ever recorded, and the mellow songs are the most beautiful. I think you'll enjoy the new one.
Nuke Eastern Plot said:
are there on "The Pale Haunt Departure" guest female vocalist like on "the knowing" and "to welcome the fade"?

No. We chose not to use them this time around. It would have been forced on this CD, and we would have used them, just to put them in, and not because the moment called for it. The new material really has a new life, and we didn't want to spoil it with more of the same-old, same-old.
From a fan's perspective, i would recommend going with the knowing next, and moving backwards from there... all the albums are good though and my favorite is Of Sculptured Ivy and Stone Flowers
Cool! Looking forward to the video.

About the In Flames-video. Its supposed to be ironic, they are making fun of hiphop-videos etc. If you dont believe it, Peter Iwers pretty much said so in his webdiary.