Video update + set and door times


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001

ProgPower USA XIII
September 12-15, 2012 at Center Stage Atlanta

Gold Badge Doors: 1:30PM
Regular Doors: 2:00PM

Friday, September 14, 2012:
Epica (The Netherlands & Belgium) 11:45pm - close
Redemption (USA) 10pm - 11:15pm
Primordial (Ireland) 8:30pm - 9:30pm
Serenity (Austria) + 7pm - 8pm
Amaranthe (Sweden) + 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Kingcrow (Italy) + 4pm - 5pm
Sinbreed (Germany) + 2:30pm - 3:30pm

Saturday, September 15, 2012:
Symphony X (USA) 11:45pm - close
Pretty Maids (Denmark) 10pm - 11:15pm
MaYaN- w/ special guests (The Netherlands & Belgium) + 8:30pm - 9:30pm
Mystic Prophecy (Germany) + 7pm - 8pm
Solution .45 (Sweden & Finland) + 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Lanfear (Germany) + 4pm - 5pm
Above Symmetry (Norway) + 2:30pm -3:30pm

+ USA debut

Special announcement coming late January 2012 regarding Wednesday/Thursday nights!
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But, he shaved off his signature goatee. :waah: I thought he was going to grow a Hietala goatee. Man, that would have been awesome. :worship::worship: Oh, well.
I didn't really understand your comments on the mid week/showcase... not the traditional show but something special that will generate a lot of interest? Do you have a time frame as to when you will announce something?

You must have missed it as Glenn said on the forum late January. :)
My head's spinning trying to think what will actually be announced in January. But I know this: I have literally never been disappointed about an announcement of something new for the fest. That includes All Star Jam and shit like that. Loved it.

So if this is something "new"...I can only imagine. But not really. Because I have no fucking clue.
I missed the part where tickets were already on sale. At least that gives my wife an easy out for my Christmas present this year.