Viking misconception


In Thor we trust
Mar 21, 2003
Ok name ONE Viking Norse Asatru misconception here.It can be about anything; their faith, their culture, the people etc... Only one so other people can name some. Post the less obvious ones. Ill start

They didnt wear horned helms. :) LOLOL OK ok that was easy...
I cannot stress enough that they didn't wear horned helmets into battle, only for rituals and ceremonies.
They did not loot churches because they worshipped the devil and wanted to destroy the Christian faith. They looted the Christian churches because that was the place where the gold and silverwas at!

Re the filthy vikings, you've Ibn Fahadlan to thank for that. It was the Rus that he saw that were filthy. In the meantime, the Anglo-Saxon men in the Danelaw complained in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle that their women would not even dignify their presence as soon as a Norseman came around, because the Norsemen had such beautiful long hair, which they would wash and comb all the time, thus making it impossible for the shorn and shaved Christian men, who did not bathe and wash as frequently (because vanity is a sin, you know) to keep up! Waaah!
yeah, indeed, they were cleaner then other peoples.

also, they participated immensly in the economy of europe. they were very benefic in that sense. they didn't just rampage and rape everyone.
Celtik Militia said:
yeah, indeed, they were cleaner then other peoples.
Cleaner then other peoples I don't know. I think all the pagan peoples, from romans to germans to celts, were rather ''clean''.

To add something on my own:
The vikings did NOT mainly eat meat. Dairy products like milk and cheese where the most important part of the diet.
The mythology as a whole is often viewed as just a bunch of crazy stories, a lot of the value in it has been edited out by Christians who wanted to portray their spirituality as silly and foolish and juvenile.
The Vikings were not a part of the religion "Ásatrú" as it is a new religion started in like 1960 trying to revive the old norse paganism that the vikings were a part of =)
Eldur said:
The Vikings were not a part of the religion "Ásatrú" as it is a new religion started in like 1960 trying to revive the old norse paganism that the vikings were a part of =)
good point, it's kind of like wicca like that, except not fucking stupid.
Eldur said:
The Vikings were not a part of the religion "Ásatrú" as it is a new religion started in like 1960 trying to revive the old norse paganism that the vikings were a part of =)

No, i thought so 2, but i heared on this forum that thats american bullshit or something..
Yeah, I said that and I still stand by that statement, not just because I am born and raised asatru, but because I am an archaeologist by training, and also because I can recount my family's roots within the faith at least as far back as to the 1800's. And please don't say things like that in front of the families whose ancestor women were burnt at the stakes during the 1600's (mainly) for practising the religion openly (a k a "heatens"). They take offense on behalf of their ancestors.
The North American form of asatru as well as the name "asatru", however, is new. As far as we know, the Norsemen did not have a name for their faith. It just was. The name was invented later by necessity, and because North Americans are so far removed from the Nordic homeland with the ethnography and all that comes with that, there is a gap in the knowledge (they do not learn from their fathers what their granfathers had taught them and so on, but have to learn from books a lot, and things get lost in translation terribly easily), which some tend to fill in with "new stuff". I do not feel the need to do so myself, as I was taught all the things I need to know from my father, who learned it from his father, who learned it from his, and so on. That is not to say I am any better than any other asatruar, and it is not meant to offend anyone.

For any father discussion on this, take it to the proper thread - "Viking Mythology and all that goes with it".