Viking Movie Recommendations

Beowulf and Grendle (2005) is decent, lots of trolls bowling with people's heads and pissing on doors.

If you like unrealistic and historically inaccurate action flicks with a cool concept and lots of killing, check out 2007's Pathfinder.

If you want to see some viking hilarity of the monty python variety, Eric the Viking (????) is a great choice.

That's all I've got. Happy renting!
Pathfinder? :loco:


When that movie was about to be released I was stoked. Then, I forgot about it and it popped up on DVD. The gf's sister and boyfriend rented it and stopped it about 20-30 minutes in :erk:

I want to rent it to see for myself if it's as bad as some people make it out to be but that mere fact is putting it low on my list of movies to see :(
I'm not gonna lie, I thought Pathfinder was pretty badass. Really cool concept, though the guys behind everything obviously slacked off in the historical department. But sometimes, I want to watch movies that push the envelope, sometimes I want to watch movies where the actors convey true emotions through their characters, and sometimes I want to watch a movie that actually has something to say about the world.

And sometimes, I want to watch vikings and indians just fucking killing each other.