Vikings is the best show on TV

You guys watch the blood eagle episode?


Boring until the awesome end. I was sure they were going to wuss out and King Horic was going to bail Borg out, but they did it. Anyone else catch the symbolism at the end? The crow is the symbol of Odin, so the crows presence means Borg will go to Valhalla since he didn't scream. Which is cool with me because Borg was one of my favorite characters.
I don't know if it's the best show on television (I think Game of Thrones is much better), but it's pretty good. My only real issue with it is that Ragnar sarcastically smiles way too much. It's like the creators want to shove down your throat that he's clever and that he knows it...every five minutes.
Vikings is being shown at the Tate gallery in London

And it's a sell out I read in the paper on Sunday FYI
It's based on the sagas, which allows for some cool paranormal moments that are only seen through a characters POV. (which does a lot for suspension of disbelief)

It's still been fucking boring lately, though.
But was it worth keeping him around imprisoned for an extra two episodes? He may as well have just died in battle.

We had an awesome battle at the beginning of the season, with the entire rest of the season spent on the fallout from that battle. And for what? Ragnar's brother is still with him, the shield-maiden is back, and it's finally time to go back West. It could and should have been condensed, all these subplots were a waste of time. And what's going on with Floki right now seems so forced and out of nowhere, as if he's needed to make Horiks subplot more interesting. A couple of episodes ago he was Ragnar's right-hand man. Didn't we already do this betrayal theme already, twice?

I know I'm complaining a lot, I still love the show. I'm just frustrated with it.
Agreed, it was a very satisfying finale. I'm glad that my prediction about Floki's loyalties was right, I would have been pissed if he got killed off.

I'm also totally okay with them unhistorically killing Horik, who actually lived after Ragnar died (according to the legends). I was glad to see that idiot put down.