Vikings is the best show on TV

Agreed, it was a very satisfying finale. I'm glad that my prediction about Floki's loyalties was right, I would have been pissed if he got killed off.

It would have been so completely out of character for him to have truly betrayed Ragnar. Unless he never actually had any true loyalty in the first place and was just some--to use RPG terms--chaotic neutral force of nature.
It was a dead giveaway though when he fed Rolo the same mushrooms as Torstein, and Rollo suffered no ill side effects. Unless of course Floki knew Torstein was deathly allergic to them somehow.
Dude, no one told you to click a thread of an ongoing show that you haven't watched. Obviously there would be spoilers, that's common sense.

I'm sorry we ruined it for you but you kind of ruined it for yourself.
Haha Stormo, seriously? You're upset that there are spoilers in a thread based on the fucking show? Get real.
Dude, no one told you to click a thread of an ongoing show that you haven't watched.
Maybe I just wanted to know if it was any good? Maybe I was interested in it but wanted to hear what you guys have to say?

Read the very first post. Seriously.

Haha Stormo, seriously? You're upset that there are spoilers in a thread based on the fucking show? Get real.
I'm not "upset", I just think spoilers should be marked. It's common courtesy to mark spoilers, no matter if the thread is about the show or not. Spoiling the ending without even announcing the spoiler is not cool.
It's also a lot easier to give spoiler free posts on forums that actually have spoiler code. Even writing shit like:


John Dies at the End


sometimes isn't enough. It's also usually up to the thread starter to mention the thread being spoiler free. If they don't mention anything, everything is fair game.
It really depends on the forum I suppose. But typically, on most movie or game threads I've bothered to read, there's a warning in the initial post when it's to remain spoiler free. Maybe it's different in the circles you travel.
I can completely empathize with you being upset about having read spoilers, but you should have also kind of kept in mind what forum you were on to begin with.
For future reference, at least now I know how I'll be handling spoilerific content.
It really depends on the forum I suppose. But typically, on most movie or game threads I've bothered to read, there's a warning in the initial post when it's to remain spoiler free. Maybe it's different in the circles you travel.
Yeah, it is different in the "circles I travel" :)

I can completely empathize with you being upset about having read spoilers, but you should have also kind of kept in mind what forum you were on to begin with.
Yeah, I s'pose although it's hardly unreasonable of me to assume people would mark spoilers.

For future reference, at least now I know how I'll be handling spoilerific content.
That would be greatly appreciated, thank you :)
yeah they were supposed to play Stella Natura last year, but they canceled because of visa issues and blah blah gaahl is a 'dangerous felon' who 'sadistically tortures' people and shouldnt be let into the country and neither should anyone else associated with him. buncha alarmist dicks.
Season 3 discussion may now commence. There will be spoilers, so no bitching!!

I enjoyed the premiere, but how fucking dumb were the Mercians?

"I have an idea, lets split up our army for no reason, and with no ability to rejoin them!"

"Oh looks like we're about to be overrun, instead of retreating, I'm going to keep sitting here on my horse like a dumbass until Floki comes and introduces an axe to my face!"

But how badass is Floki, right?
Seriously. I was expecting some sort of trap to be sprung. Like, the cousin's army was just a bunch of peasants disguised as soldiers, and when the Vikings and Wessex men landed on the uncle's side of the river, the real cousin's army would pour out of the woods to overwhelm them. But no, just "oh shit, uncle!"

And apparently Ser Meryn is an idiot in whatever world he shows up in.