Vikings is the best show on TV

The only possible explanation I can think of is that the Mercians didn't expect the Saxon queen's forces to have additional support from the Danes, and so saw less of a risk in splitting the force. But still they CHOSE that battlefield (there wasn't somewhere with a bridge or water shallow enough to cross?), and dividing your army like that is like #1 on the battle tactics "Don't" list.

Also, why was the other Mercian so surprised that the Anglo-Dane force was only attacking one side? "I totally expected them to also split their forces, because surely they are as dumb as us!"
But again, the stupidity of the Mercians appears. "Lets get our army formed up in the middle of a bowl, where they can be easily be surrounded by archers from all sides at high ground." "Excellent strategy sire."
Okay, I don't mean to go on a Det Som rant but this season is reaching Dexter levels of retardation.

God damn. What was up with the army split thing? That was absurd. The character who fucked Ragnar's wife, is he just gone now? What was the point of that because it sure as hell didn't help her with character development. Am I supposed to feel sorry for Bjeorns girlfriend? Because that idiot had it coming. Whats-her-faces brother, the most boring character to date, gets all that screen-time just to be fucking killed with poison anyway?

All in all, I couldn't wait for that last episode to be over. I was so bored. One brilliant scene though, with Ragnar and King Ekbert (SP?) talking at the...feast or whatever it was. That was awesome.