

groove junkie
Feb 11, 2006
Mr. V's music is so addicting. Poor guy, it must be stressful to have fans expecting so much out of him. I do! Anyway I am always blown away by something in his music, mostly the catchy melodies and hooks of his songs...all while not sounding cheesy and staying very progressive. So let this be a thread stating how much we love his material. Cheers Mr. V!:kickass:
Mr V has made very little stuff that I didn't like
Mr.V isn't human...he's an elf who speaks science...muiscal noble and immortal
his ears aren't pointy but that's nothing a plastic surgeon can't fix:lol:
Rivfadír;6153762 said:
Great. Another fanboi thread. Is this all Vintersorg fans do?

But to stay on-topic. He has made some great stuff.

considering it's a vintersorg forum
it's also a forumtrolska utopi:loco:
hai Mr.V ur music is so great u changed my life, i duno how i could live without ur music its just so amazing lol :D hehe will u marry me becuz i luv it so much ur such a talented man and i luv u oh soooooooo much omg! <3<3<3
vintersorg's voice is the last thing i hear nearly every night when i go to bed (i like listening to music trying to fall asleep ) and the first thing i hear every morning when i wake up, my daily alarm is dialogue with the stars :)

his music changed my life too, all i can say is: thank you andreas :worship:
I just Love him and His music, he let me appreciate in a different way the nature around me, woods, hills...He make me discover a new way to think
and feel about universe and life.
Thank you Mr.V!
Rivfadír;6153762 said:
Great. Another fanboi thread. Is this all Vintersorg fans do?

But to stay on-topic. He has made some great stuff.

well duh thats the entire point! its a thread especially for mr. v fanboys. :headbang:
Meh, a lot of Mr.V's work annoys me.
And I personally don't think he seems like a very nice man~ (although I'll judge when I meet him)
I find there are far better composers out there.
But oh well, still my favourite musician/band/thing/whatever.
I've never seen Mr. V smile...or maybe i don't remember well.
so maybe there is something in what you're saying or maybe it's the reason he doesn't seem like a nice man...but like you said, judge him when you meet him

I want to judge Mr. V:loco:
I've never seen Mr. V smile...or maybe i don't remember well.
so maybe there is something in what you're saying or maybe it's the reason he doesn't seem like a nice man...but like you said, judge him when you meet him

I want to judge Mr. V:loco:

he can smile, i have the proof :heh: :heh: :heh:
maybe he just doesn't like to smile looking at the camera (like me)

here he is clearly smiling


(or is he fearing something?)

here something in his eyes is smiling, i love this photo :rolleyes:
And I personally don't think he seems like a very nice man~ (although I'll judge when I meet him)
I find there are far better composers out there.

I feel the same way. I'm quite sure I wouldn't like ham. But hey, I'll probably never meet him anyways, and I like his music (some more than other).
why do you think that? I cannot think that my favourite artist/singer isn't a nice person....i know it, maybe it's an utopy or something childish, but i've always thought that behind his great music there must be a great person and a great human being, because this is what i feel reading his lyrics and listening to his music, i mean such sensibility toward nature and things can live nowhere but in a sensitive and deep person.... (too hard to explain this concept in english :lol: )

ok...i know it....

i'm fangirl :oops:

a bb *