Vintersorg = NSBM?


Feb 28, 2004
Read here (in swedish) that Vintersorg is marketed as NSBM outside sweden.. How the hell they find anything even remotely nazi about Vintersorg beats me.. how stupid :rolleyes:
nsbm outside sweden? thats nonsenses... this topic has been discused other times... it seems that some nazi stores are selling vintersorg as if it was nsbm stuff...
I don't think if Vintersorg posted how he has nothing to do with NSBM on the front page of the official site we would stop these threads from being posted. :rolleyes:
Vintersorg and NSBM ... that´s the biggest bullshit I ever heared! Those NSBM mailorders just hear "scandinavian" and "loving his land and his nature"... and that`s enough for them to put an artist into the "aryan" or "national-socialists"- corner... that`s soooo stupid!! Those things have NOTHING to do with each other!
Every normal human being should be allowed to love his/ her country (including the nature) and to want the best for his/ her country, whithout being judged as a national socialist in the NS way!! Because to judge that way isn`t fair and isn`t right....
amf said:
Read here (in swedish) that Vintersorg is marketed as NSBM outside sweden.. How the hell they find anything even remotely nazi about Vintersorg beats me.. how stupid :rolleyes:
Aaaahhh here we go again...I'm so f****** bored with that thing....if they only red our lyrics and tried to understand our concepts it would be very clear that we are not a political band ...not rightwinged, not left, not in the middle...we're simply not a political band at all,,, we deal with art, philosophy, man and nature....

Not religion, politics, society..etc...

mr V
winter-frost said:
I don't think if Vintersorg posted how he has nothing to do with NSBM on the front page of the official site we would stop these threads from being posted. :rolleyes:
You're not insinuating that I agree with the half-wits who call Vintersorg NS I hope? Wasn't trying to get a debate about it or anything, only thought it was a bit funny because it was so stupid, so I just wanted to share it. Didn't know it had been brought up many times before so sorry for that.
Nah man I know you don't agree with them. Its just people have posted this "Is Vintersorg NSBM?" so many times before on here because of these stupid Nazi's.
Whenever I talk about (Vintersorg's) music with others, I've never run across anyone who thinks it is NSBM, so I don't think there's anything to worry about. Even with those people who have only heard the name and not the music, I've never heard anyone with that misconception. :)
amf said:
Read here (in swedish) that Vintersorg is marketed as NSBM outside sweden.. How the hell they find anything even remotely nazi about Vintersorg beats me.. how stupid :rolleyes:

Yes, I know that. I must admit, at first I thought they were NSBM, because they were listed as such here in Holland. Then I found out Mr. V's collaboration with Borknagar, and I thought "Nah, this can't be true", and it wasn't.
Songs like "Hednaorden" and "For kung och fosterland" can easily be interpreted to be NS-lyrics in Sweden. That is of course sick, but amongest the average Swede that's the case after decades of brainwashing from media, schools etc; If you're an immigrant it's ok to be proud of your roots, even good. But if you're a part of the ethnic majority it's not ok, and in many cases you'll be stamped as extreme rightwing if you say it. However today, Vintersorg has left those kind of lyrics completely and become 100% politically correct.. ;)
allow me to explain part of the problem-

a lot of NSBM bands talk about the forest and such, and the beauty of the earth- which is cool- but a lot of weird guys take this "love of country" (I.E. for kung och fosterland) as nationalism in a bad way. Its rediculous, really. My thoughts are jumbled.. but thats my take on it. I can see it being a easy mistake to make... if you're a fool.
Futhark said:
Songs like "Hednaorden" and "For kung och fosterland" can easily be interpreted to be NS-lyrics in Sweden. That is of course sick, but amongest the average Swede that's the case after decades of brainwashing from media, schools etc; If you're an immigrant it's ok to be proud of your roots, even good. But if you're a part of the ethnic majority it's not ok, and in many cases you'll be stamped as extreme rightwing if you say it. However today, Vintersorg has left those kind of lyrics completely and become 100% politically correct.. ;)
it has nothing to do about being political correct or's about evolving as a writer and challange ourselves for each and every album, I could easily write another "Till Fjälls" album lyricwise, but what's the point, it is in the's matter of movement on every level, not just for the sake of it, but for the sake of being inspired.

mr V
Not everything sold on a National-Socialist web site is directly Nazi. Sometimes, it's a matter of finding things that are inspirational. If a certain musician holds a lot of the same values as I do, their political affiliation doesn't matter much to me. Admittedly, it is ideal, and I am sure that a lot of my less intelligent brethren probably buy into (or perpetuate) the idea that everything is politically oriented. I personally buy Cd's that hold a very NSH sentiment or subject matter regardless of what the musical style or the people behind it are like. It is simply an imagery I enjoy and that empowers me.