virtual reamping with amplitube metal

mr shikadance

New Metal Member
Dec 13, 2009
hey guys.
long time reader, first time poster.
have recently purchased a 003 rack + bundled with protools 8 LE.
been having lots of fun with amplitube metal.
i finally made a good 5150ish metal sound and decided to record it to a mono track. so that was all good.
so i then decided to make a new track, paste the wav from the first track to the 2nd track, insert the amplitube plugin and mess around with other amp and cab settings.
but it didnt work ( no signal coming through the 2nd track, 1st track muted but signal was coming through)

ideally, i would like to do one clean, dry signal track and then make about 5 copies on 5 tracks and then use the amplitube plugin one each of them and blend amps/setting/fx etc. so eg. one track would be a mesa, another a marshall etc.

now i was wondering if any could help me with how to do it. im a total noob, so things like routing to aux send/bus/ blah bah are a bit over my head so if anyone could explain that would be really helpful!

thanks heaps guys,
I would just arm track>record di'ed sound>copy five times to five tracks>Apply amplitube to every track individually and bounce down everytime.

Should work?
Im sure there is a much more efficeint way of doing it, but thats how i'd go about it.

Hope it helped you out bro!
ok im no pro tools nerd but sounds to me like your having a routing problem. have you checked that all your channels are set to output to the same source? ie: your soundcard's output?

also are you sure you haven't got any tracks muted or solo'd because this could effect the way they play back. a screen shot of your channels would help quite a bit
All you would be doing essentially is creating a huge mono guitar track... to get the massive tone you are looking for you should quad track, or at least double track... meaning you need to re-record the riff/song 2 or 4 separate times, then pan those tracks to the left or right to give you a better stereo image.

Personally I've never heard a tone out of Amplitube that I like, you should check out some of the free ampsims that many people on this board use, such as X30, 7170, 8505, etc
yea dude to me it sound like your having routing problem. Im not a protools user either but just double check that your inputs and outputs are correct.

As far as Amplitube Metal... I think its alright I purchased it like 1 year ago and till this day that's my primary amp sim for guitar scratch, or just to mess around.

I believed I used Amplitube metal for this bands song i did a while a go check it out.
i love amplitube metal - i think its a great product - try 4 of my presets here - 2 of them i got off the web and tweaked around a bit, other 2 are my own

EDIT: if you want the presets again ask, my dropbox is literally stuffed at the moment because we are trying to organize the sneap forums samples so i need every drop of space along side the rest of the crap i have in there.

If your not pulling a decent sound it could be due to other reasons like a lack of input gain on your interface etc so try checking those settings too
the machine head ones are both mine - the 5150's were other presets i found and i tweaked them a little to my liking with cab settings, pre amp settings etc.

so you could pretty much say the lot are my unique preset settings that i use - the 5150's were just a general starting point for me

you might find the machine head ones a little too saturated for your liking though with gain and fx, i often blend it with another 2 or 3 channels of reamps and keep the machine head pre's low in the mix - they are just there to add some general tonality filling out problems. in other words tweak them accordingly because what works for me might not work for you.

i always do post processing on them though such as external eq'ing, very slight compression, gating, sometimes i IR them as well as use amplitube's cabs etc but they are my general amplitube tones. and for lead i like to use amplitube's preset one called heavy northern along side some reamps
cheers guys
thanks for the help.
i think ive figured it out. my PT is just being very temperamental.
yeah, id definitely like to check out those presets
where do i look for them?
you will have to download the presets, and then moved them into you Amplitube metal preset folder. Once u have put the presets in the amplitube folder you will see them in the preset list.
i understand how to do that but where do i physically get them. like a different forum or something?
you can also use amplitube as a standalone processor (not using sends/busses) in PT. duplicate your original DI file, then select the new copy, go to your AudioSuite tab and select amplitube. from there, just choose your amp settings and hit process. this prints your new tone on the duplicate file. i like this as its easier then messing with busses and multiple sessions of amplitube running. just be sure to always keep the original DI file intact.
you can also use amplitube as a standalone processor (not using sends/busses) in PT. duplicate your original DI file, then select the new copy, go to your AudioSuite tab and select amplitube. from there, just choose your amp settings and hit process. this prints your new tone on the duplicate file. i like this as its easier then messing with busses and multiple sessions of amplitube running. just be sure to always keep the original DI file intact.

there are pro's and cons to this method

although it keeps it as a non destructive manner so long as you keep your original DI file, later on in your mix you may run into problems. example if your suddenly finding its lacking some slight saturation and you want to load up some more presence on your amplitubes preamp your going to have to scrap the wav and load up the plugin again to do more tweaking.

on the + side it certainly would reduce your cpu's and rams impact thus freeing up more processing juice for your mix especially if you have amplitube running on example 6 channels for DI processing
yeh i agree with mick..cant remember off the top of my head but cant you still preview the audio before committing it in audiosuite? if so then your still essentially able to get a ballpark tone but hes right, if down the road its suddenly lacking something you cant just go in an tweak you have to start it all over so be sure to keep some notes of what your using before committing it to the would def suck to be running 5+ instances of amplitube at the same time.
i think the most non destructive way to save cpu cycles would be to freeze your tracks. only problem is if you have a lot of plugins and channels running the freezing/unfreezing is going to be slow
good point, i guess what i forgot to state above was save the settings. even if it means having 10 saved settings for the song, it takes up near zero space. also label the printed tracks appropriately so you know which is which. or just dont close the plugin window and adjust settings to taste from there. but saving the setting ensures tweakability for later on.

yes, you can preview the tone before committing to process, but by itself and not with the rest of the mix. so its not the best method to see how it sits in the mix.

because most mixes would need multiple iterations of amplitube, at least four, probably more... thats why i print the tones. multiple iterations of amplitube can be cumbersome depending on your system.