Hi there, fellow sneapers!
I am going to record an album soon and I have some questions regarding reamping - I'd do it like this:
First, recording the guitar clean through a Focusrite Saffire 6. For reference while playing i'd use Amplitube or some other ampsim, but that doesn't really matter.
When everything is recorded and properly edited, I would plug the interface's output to the input of a 6505 and send the DI-track trough that. At the same time, I'd grab the send and record it to use impulses for simulating a cab. I'd leave a real cab plugged into the 6505 (but volume turned completely down) so it won't blow the tubes.
Would that work or is there some kind of error in that plan? I have never done this before and don't want to damage something
I am going to record an album soon and I have some questions regarding reamping - I'd do it like this:
First, recording the guitar clean through a Focusrite Saffire 6. For reference while playing i'd use Amplitube or some other ampsim, but that doesn't really matter.
When everything is recorded and properly edited, I would plug the interface's output to the input of a 6505 and send the DI-track trough that. At the same time, I'd grab the send and record it to use impulses for simulating a cab. I'd leave a real cab plugged into the 6505 (but volume turned completely down) so it won't blow the tubes.
Would that work or is there some kind of error in that plan? I have never done this before and don't want to damage something
