Reamp only the 5150 head?!

But you have to factor in the amp used to make the impulse...IIRC, the Catharsis impulses were made with a 5150, so you ARE getting the power amp imprint in the impulse...The knob settings may be different than you'd prefer, but the power amp is still "there".

Except you're only getting some static EQ, there is no compression, saturation or any non-linearities at all in an static impulse. So I'd say the power amp isn't "there", just some slight EQ, definitely not the same as a real power section

Rent, borrow or buy a cab with v30´s

Your in germany right? You gould get a Fame 12 x 4 cab with v30´s for around €400 new from Music Store, It´s a really good cab! Look for one used.

But you have to factor in the amp used to make the impulse...IIRC, the Catharsis impulses were made with a 5150, so you ARE getting the power amp imprint in the impulse...The knob settings may be different than you'd prefer, but the power amp is still "there".

The frequency-response of the poweramp is imprinted in the impulse (with the particular presence/resonance setting at that moment) .. BUT, an impulse won't give you the tightness/compression and those extra harmonics added by the phasesplitter/poweramp because impulses is really just equalization:loco:
What is the "shitty cab"...


Don't know that much about it. The only thing I know is that it's 4x12 and a kinda old one. I think he said it was a Marshall but I'm not sure about that.


Rent, borrow or buy a cab with v30´s

Your in germany right? You gould get a Fame 12 x 4 cab with v30´s for around €400 new from Music Store, It´s a really good cab! Look for one used.


Yes, we are! ;)
Hm. I don't think that we'd get a better result with this kinda cab as with a good impulse.But maybe we'll borrow a cab when we record the next song.

I can record my PV 6505 preamp and clean DI's for X50 if you want guys :)

Thank's for that. I'll defenitly check that out later! :)