Vital Remains...

Hammer of Might

New Metal Member
Jul 25, 2003
London, England
(Preliminary Note: I have never heard the music of Vital Remains.)

I was reading an interview with Vital Remains in a recent issue of Terrorizer, and the vocalist was saying that despit the lyrics being strongly anti-christian, they were basically only doing it to be shocking and controversial.

Personally, I think this is pathetic. For a start, I'm against ideologies of that sort, but that's not the point - by the sounds of it, they don't even believe in what they write about as strongly as it's written.

I don't see how it's any different to Slipknot putting on the masks, to attract attention and be 'shocking'.

I repeat - I haven't heard Vital Remains music, but that's irrelevant, I still think it's pretty sad that their lyrics don't correspnd with their views, or at least not in full!
High On Maiden said:
I was reading an interview with Vital Remains in a recent issue of Terrorizer, and the vocalist was saying that despit the lyrics being strongly anti-christian, they were basically only doing it to be shocking and controversial.
I never read that, so I can't comment, but I don't think you'll find many people surprised at lots of 'satanic' bands using satan as a gimmick. Come on, even Ozzy was considered 'satanic' at some point!

It's all a gimmick to sell sell sell, just like fantasy, dragons, science fiction, gore, ancient Egypt....there's very little metal that doesn't revolve around a theme of sorts. It's all just story telling at the end of the day.

Lyrics mean very little to me by the way.
JayKeeley said:
It's all a gimmick to sell sell sell
That's exactly my point - I just see it as a bit pathetic when they are constantly promoting this image, but don't even believe in it fully.

Like you, lyrics are of little importance to me, expecially in extreme metal, as there are often extreme lyrics - the messages of whihc I am often against - to me, the music is paramount, as I would imagin it is to all music fans!

However, I do like it if a band has put effort into creative lyrics, and I think they can add to a song a lot.

P.S. Can't remember which issue of Terrorizer it was in, but in case you were interested, it's one with Zyklon on the front. I think it's the latest issue actually.

High On Maiden said:
That's exactly my point - I just see it as a bit pathetic when they are constantly promoting this image, but don't even believe in it fully.
You shouldn't though - you should look at it as just story telling in costume. It's theatre!

However, I do like it if a band has put effort into creative lyrics, and I think they can add to a song a lot.
Agreed - good lyrics definitely makes it better, but like you, I put the music first. If the music is just stunning, and the lyrics are godawful, I would still listen to it no problemo. Not the other way round though!
Don't bother listening to their music, it's extremely tedious and generic death metal played in repetitive "epics" which are about 7 minutes of mind numbing banality with a few good solos. Dechristianize is easily one of the my least favorite cds of the year. Pathetic, really.
I must admit I thought the same thing after a handful of listens, but I forced myself to listen to it more and it got much better with time. Now I wish to make babies with it, in the gay way.
after reading so many positive reviews, I tried really hard to like it.... but it didnt and Im pissed off because I wasted my money on that shit
i personally love the new vital remains, and glen benton not anti-christian?? i find that hard to believe.. after all, deicide is very similar, lyrically
JayKeeley said:
You shouldn't though - you should look at it as just story telling in costume. It's theatre!

Acknowledged, but it's not a storyline I'm interested in, which doesn't help the situation. And also, I don't see it as much of a storyline - more of a rant about allt he hate they've got built up inside them towarsd a religion, and I personally wouldn't find it very entertaining. By the sound of it, their latest album sucks anyway, so I have no plans of listening to them anyway.

Look at their 'storyline' this way though - if their albums and all their material was directed in a hateful way towards a religion such as Islam, there would be an immense outcry I reckon. They couldn't get away with destroying the Muslim holy book in live shows, or singing about wanting to murder Muslims or whatever the fuck they sing about - it just reflects on the level of acceptance the public have come to get used to - associating satanism with metal, and taking little interest or concern.

I know I moved away from my original point slightly, but think about it. If (just to use this band as an example) they started releasing hateful material about (again, for example) Islamic people, that would not be tolerated, even by a lot of the underground, IMO.
pisschrist said:
i personally love the new vital remains, and glen benton not anti-christian?? i find that hard to believe.. after all, deicide is very similar, lyrically

I never said he wasn't anti-christian, I simply pointed out that he said he basically didn't feel in such the extreme way that their lyrics suggest, which seems to prove the whole anti-christioan thing is (at least in part) a gimmick to get more attention $$$.
High On Maiden said:
Look at their 'storyline' this way though - if their albums and all their material was directed in a hateful way towards a religion such as Islam, there would be an immense outcry I reckon.
Heh, not over here. The Muslim faith is ridiculed on a regular basis over in the US, and if Vital Remains ripped up the Quran on stage Jerry Falwell would probably buy their album.
High On Maiden said:
By the sound of it, their latest album sucks anyway, so I have no plans of listening to them anyway.
That's fine. I actually like Dechristianize - it's really very good if you like epic death metal. Dave Suzuki is a great lead guitarist as well.

They couldn't get away with destroying the Muslim holy book in live shows, or singing about wanting to murder Muslims or whatever the fuck they sing about - it just reflects on the level of acceptance the public have come to get used to - associating satanism with metal, and taking little interest or concern.
I agree, that's hypocritical. Most black/pagan/heathen metal is against the ideology of the JudeoChristian values (which happens to include Islam).

I'm not sure why people like Glenn Benton, or death metal bands, target Christianity so specifically, and not Judeaism or Islam. Perhaps they were raised as Christians and now resent their upbringing? Isn't that Marilyn Mansons reasoning?

If the Islamic world was free, I am sure there would be more anti-Islamic metal bands. Remember, the Islamic world is only 1400 years old. It is in the equivalent of the Christian dark ages. Christianity exists primarily in the free world where society allows free speech.

I know I moved away from my original point slightly, but think about it. If (just to use this band as an example) they started releasing hateful material about (again, for example) Islamic people, that would not be tolerated, even by a lot of the underground, IMO.
Most people who are against religion don't discriminate between sects. Anything "man made" is considered intolerable.

And don't take Glenn Benton too seriously - he made a living on that "shock value" which is all a little diluted now - he's no longer so unique. Apparently, he was supposed to kill himself on his 33rd birthday as's all just theatrics. I'm sure on his days off, he's just a 'regular' guy - even though he does have an upsidedown cross etched to his forehead....
On the contrary, from past (more serious) interviews, I gathered that Benton is either a diabolist or an extremely traditional Satanist.

I don't see the major "issue" here with Satanic lyrics and presentation... do you see anything wrong with a Christian hoping to "vanquish Satan?"
Exactly Sonical...

On a side note...My opinion of Vital Remains is very high. I'm just a smidgeon biased because they are from my hometown but I liked them before I ever found that out.
glen benton does make a point of making his lyrics very anti-christian... i say just let him get on with it though...