Vocal distortion plug-ins


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Yes, this has been a bit of a running theme with me lately.

I'd like to get a good vocal distortion plug-in to approximate the sort of grit Andy got on Devildriver's 'The Last Kind Words'. Anybody know what Andy used for that? Am I looking at needing to reamp vox through a triple rect, or just something as simple as using izotope Trash?
i love this on vocals
I'm using and loving to feed the recorded signal into the API preamp and cranking the Gain, then running it through Smart C2 on CRUSH and boosting the output into Apogee on softclip.

either that or I just use "distortion" in Cubase4
I really used to live Silverspikes rubytube, that was by far the best vocal distortion I have used, and free. Shame they don't make it for AU (and I can't justify buying the VST-AU wrapper just for this).

I'm usually using anything I can such as logics distortions, vintagewarmer, urs saturation (extreme settings, sometimes 2 in a row) or anything else I can find.

Camelcrusher was also pretty good if I remember right.
+1 to Machinated's rubytube suggestion...I used to use that thing a lot. Very good, and not fizzy sounding. However, I now have a Distressor which is quite awesome.
Are you looking for just that bit of distortion what makes a vox cut through but is not detected as "wow, distortion"? Or do you looking for a "uh - now that is crunshy"?

For the extra bite I usually take care while recording (driving the Avalon 737 hard) or I use saturation like the Inflator. Usually that combined with some nasty L1 type of "compression" does the trick.

For FX I have found the new Cubase/Nuendo 4 plugins cool - the distortion is awesome as well as it can sound cool to just throw the amp simu on the vox.

Btw interesting how many ways of doing it are there! That TL Saturation plugin looks worth a try as well as I have that rubytube since ages but never tried it on vox :)