Vocal distortion plug-ins

I'm gonna print this thread out for the engineer Im apprenticing with. For some reason he absolutely REFUSES to use vocal distortion plugins. Especially for scream vocals. He distorts them before he records via compressor and everytime he does it, I wanna choke em.

He's a good engineer and that's why I dont understand his rationale. It's clipping and distorting all over the place (and not in a good way) and I'm thinking "man, you relize you cant undo that".
I'm gonna print this thread out for the engineer Im apprenticing with. For some reason he absolutely REFUSES to use vocal distortion plugins. Especially for scream vocals. He distorts them before he records via compressor and everytime he does it, I wanna choke em.

He's a good engineer and that's why I dont understand his rationale. It's clipping and distorting all over the place (and not in a good way) and I'm thinking "man, you relize you cant undo that".

Don't just think....Tell him "man, you relize you cant undo that"!

If he has a certain device or piece of hardware that he likes to use for distorting vocals he can always patch the recorded signal back through whatever it is that he wants to use.However if your apprenticing with this guy it might be a little weird to get it through to him. :lol:

All of the mentioned plug-ins would be just fine...I love using logics overdrive as well as the bitcrusher....trash is another fun one
Don't just think....Tell him "man, you relize you cant undo that"!

If he has a certain device or piece of hardware that he likes to use for distorting vocals he can always patch the recorded signal back through whatever it is that he wants to use.However if your apprenticing with this guy it might be a little weird to get it through to him. :lol:

All of the mentioned plug-ins would be just fine...I love using logics overdrive as well as the bitcrusher....trash is another fun one

exactly! At least have a track thats clean too for backup. I've been doing scream vocals at home for at least 3 years now and never have I once distorted before recording. Then again, I never distorted after recording either. He's a tough one to crack...very set in his ways.
Revalver's own OverDriver stomp box. sounds fucking good blended with a clean sound.
1176 in all buttons and massey tapehead, maybe sansamp, or maybe on of the new air plugins...
anyone notice the trend lately of (what sounds to me) like the waves doubler being used on lows? i'm pretty sure i've spotted it on being used intermittently on the whitechapel and emmure albums. light doubler on lows. i've fiddled with it, it can derive a natural sounding "saturation" if you're gentle with it. other than that, the highs on the suicide silence CD i think represents what we're all going after as far as saturation on extreme vox, it sounds like pushing the shit out of a tapehead. i want to be able to get that sound extremely bad. possible to get saturation/drive like that without a world class studio o_0?