Vocal Effects!?!?


Dec 2, 2005
Umeå, Sweden
:headbang: Me and my band are about to record some of our own shit in my home studio, we are also in the making of recording an "Eaten" cover!
The guitars and drums are all good and I am confident that it will be crushing!!
any way... my question is this!
I have absolutly no idea what kind of effects to add to the vocals!
can anyone help me with this!
What kind of effects does for example Åkerfeldt or Tägtgren use?
I will appreciate any help I can get!!!

By the way!
I know the answer to the ultimate question!!!
"who will be the next singer in bloodbath"
well guess what, I got a suggestion!!
Jim Kjell who sang in Gardenian
He is right up there with Åkerfeldt and Tägtgren!!!
Meh, I'm not a big fan of vocal effects. I mean, I'll reverb my vocals, but that's it. Your tone and your brutality should come from you, not the studio.
why the hell do so many still use reverb? you will get the very noobish cavesound. for "expanding" the vocal tracks (rather dry) delay is the best thing.

As for growling, compression is a very neat tool. for example Åkerfeldt doesnt growl very load, but the compression levels it and gives a steady result. It also sounds like a slight amount of distortion was used, and that could be a neat trick, but keep the dist-level low, it shall not be noticeable in the mix really.

And about layering, it is sometimes cool, but sometimes worthless, like on Behemoths demi-god. The layering is parodic on that album, sounds way better the few times his growls are not layered.
L0bster said:
why the hell do so many still use reverb? you will get the very noobish cavesound. for "expanding" the vocal tracks (rather dry) delay is the best thing.

As for growling, compression is a very neat tool. for example Åkerfeldt doesnt growl very load, but the compression levels it and gives a steady result. It also sounds like a slight amount of distortion was used, and that could be a neat trick, but keep the dist-level low, it shall not be noticeable in the mix really.

And about layering, it is sometimes cool, but sometimes worthless, like on Behemoths demi-god. The layering is parodic on that album, sounds way better the few times his growls are not layered.

Thanks man!
I will keep this in mind!:headbang:
I often use Cubase when I record. Does anyone have any suggestion of any good software compresion tools for cubase? also a good reverb for our kind of music?:Smokedev:
Haha, no effects on vocals? a lot of death metal singers and growlers use vocal thickeners like compression and other effects, another thing to do one top of compression is EQ your vocals to very bassy and thick etc. And if you are to use something like reverb or delay, use very little of it, cause more than a little will just make it sound crappy, you may also want to try no reverb or delay as well, hope this info helped
L0bster ~ well, I use reverb as opposed to delay because I like how it brings an atmosphere into the vocals, although I think I'm gonna switch to delay... it'll fit my band's new sound a lot better.