Vocal grind/distortion effect


Aug 2, 2006
Dayton, OH
For live performances what do you guys think would be the best overdrive/boost pedal to use? I'm thinking TS808 or something along those lines, but I'd like to see what else is out there.

Richard "doc"
For live performances what do you guys think would be the best overdrive/boost pedal to use? I'm thinking TS808 or something along those lines, but I'd like to see what else is out there.

Richard "doc"

For vocals? I have never had good luck trying a guitar pedal on a voice (feedback like a mofo and steals to much away freq wise).

That being said I have never tried a vocal effect processor either.
there was a thread about grind production a few days ago. someone suggested simulanalogs guitarsuite for the vocals, i'm just not sure which exact plugin but you should be able to find it. once you did so try out the corresponding pedal. will most likely be an sd-1 or a ds-1.
Okay, so I found a product that will let me choose a ton of effects. I currently have the Digitech BP-200, and as a tool for bass it is great.

I have seen the Digitech Vx400 on musician's friend. It has the same typical qualities that I know from the BP-200, but it has a couple added bonuses:

- It has phantom power (no idea how much)
- It has a mic pre
- It can record via USB

This is where my question lies. Does anyone have any experience using it as a recording interface? Or any experience with "Pro Tracks" as a software package? I'm hopeful that the software doesn't completely suck as I intend only to use it for songwriting purposes and ideas, and not production (I work with Shane, makes life easy :headbang: ).

All advice is greatly appreciated.
I've used Digitech vocal thing (not sire of the model name) - I didn't record with it, but I really didn't like it. 95% of the effects are useless and you'll never use them. The only distortion on it sounded awful, and was stupidly quiet; even at full volume it was way lower than the clean signal.

^I have the Digitech RPx400 (for guitar) which includes Pro Tracks and I can tell you: It completely sucks! :D

If you need more details or if you have a particular question let me know.

No realtime fx and the limited features aren't even user friendly... Nevertheless I used the RPx400 as an interface within Cubase and that worked fine. So if you have another sequencer you can use the Vx400 with it probably as well.

On my RPx the power connector was loose right from the start but that can be fixed with some tape.

As I now have my FirePod I don't need the RPx anymore so if anyone is interested, I'm willing to sell it! :)

Btw the preamp is noisy as hell (and if even I can tell that it sounds shit than it obviously really is... %) ).
Thanks for the advice. Even if I got it, I had planned on using it as an interface and probably upgrade the sequencer anyway. I guess I'll just keep my eyes out for a Firepod or something similar.
I'm leaning in the direction of a POD 2.0 Pro rack, as I need MIDI control for my vocal effects. The Pod will give me everything I need - distortion, delay, compression, etc., and best of all I won't need to hit any pedals, I can just sequence it to our songs live.

The main thing is, we have a few songs where I'm doing a Mnemic / Devin Townsend style growl, that's somewhere between a whisper, falsetto, and a growl, that sounds really stupid without some light distortion on it.

Bear in mind, we're talking LIVE here so FX plugins are out of the question (PowerBook G4 = Latency.)