Vocal question...


Ultimate Meatbag
Sep 2, 2001
Spokane, WA
For doing vocals as far as the heavy/harsh vocals....I came across this on www.carnalforge.com :


Anyone try this yourselves? Results?
I'm also interested in at least how to attain similar vocal effects as these tracks:

"A Bloodsword & A Colder Sun (I of II)" by Mayhem [Grand Declaration Of War]
"Minds Mirrors" by Meshuggah [Catch Thirty-Three]

Also, does anyone here do any experimenting with choir type effects or things similar to what Devin did in "In The Rainy Season" (I think it was). Just massive overdubbing?
that really seems pointless to me. I thought the reason people used sm57's for heavy vox was so they could hold it and get the deep sound they were going for. If you set it up that way why wouldnt you use a quality condenser instead because its basically the same set up for that. Idk just my opinion that im prolly wrong about, w/e

Yes Devin over-overdubs his vocals, like 20 tracks with barkings, shouting, whispering, singing, all kind of crazy stuff. You can try it at home, I did, but still, I don't sound anywhere as good as him !!! He just has an incredible voice, and multi-layering it makes it even stronger...
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Yes Devin over-overdubs his vocals, like 20 tracks with barkings, shouting, whispering, singing, all kind of crazy stuff. You can try it at home, I did, but still, I don't sound anywhere as good as him !!! He just has an incredible voice, and multi-layering it makes it even stronger...
ok...so I was in the right area for the Devin question....

anyone for my Mayhem & Meshuggah question?

Also...as far as the CF pic at the top, could there maybe be a dynamic that could be gained from running a 57 and a condenser at the same time, making two tracks to put up to eachother? Anyone fuck around with double tracking vocals like that instead of multiple takes?