vocal reverb - ugh!


May 7, 2007
I can never find the right balance, but I love reverb on vox on albums. I want to get a Ride the Lightning kinda effect, but I either get too dry, or way too wet (like in a concert hall) or sounding like I'm in a bathroom at a truckstop.

any advice?! room sizes, how much wet vs. dry, etc.?
create an aux send ... then route the vocal track to the aux track.

apply reverb to the aux... make sure that the plugin's wet/dry is 100% wet.

then adjust aux fader to taste.

Some people don't even use reverb on vocals for metal.

I know for a fact Jonas didn't on the STC EP, and everybody here will agree Gareth's vocals on this sound monstruous.

Good delay > reverb for ambience on metal vocals IMO.

edit: this applies mostly to extreme metal vocals
Ahh yeah I guess it could be neat to tie everything together in one big reverb bus. I guess I should try it; I usually tweak a reverb/delay specific to the track I'm working on.
i'm with ermin.

another good method is by sending the output of a delay into a reverb aux resulting in a smeared delay or "vapor" effect.

there are a lot of great multi effects processors out there for vocals... it's just a matter of routing to solve the "will this sound good on that."

but less is most definitely more... imo
ditto with tim & ermz.

also I tend to tie reverbs together pretty tightly.
I usually use only 4 reverb Aux tracks in my whole mix.

also, if you're clever and careful, you can get it down to 3 or 2.
Some people don't even use reverb on vocals for metal.

I know for a fact Jonas didn't on the STC EP, and everybody here will agree Gareth's vocals on this sound monstruous.

Good delay > reverb for ambience on metal vocals IMO.

edit: this applies mostly to extreme metal vocals

Perfectly said. I wish more people knew how much better using a quality delay is than using a reverb effect. A delay will stitch the vocals into the mix more and fill in the pockets without effecting the color of the track. It may sound a little clustered at first when solo'd but it makes a huge difference when the whole mix is activated.