VOID - new track / Slate / Tonelab


Jan 13, 2009
Ok guys, hope you like this tune.

I present 2 mixes -

VOID - mix 1


VOID - mix 2

Drop B again - and the usual Tonelab/Ibanez/Cubase sx/ Slate black kit.

and heres some goodies>>>

my Curve EQ spectrum matches!!!

Fear Factory - Self Bias resistor - Guitar
Machine Head - 1000 Lies - Guitar

If you have Curve EQ then I'm sure you know what to do , but be sure and use the up and down arrows on the bottom of the plugin as these curves can be quite extreme.

Anyways - please give your feedback on the track guys - it makes my day knowing that someone is actually listening to my tunes!!:headbang:
I think I like the guitars in mix 1 better. I'm only listening on cheap headphones but it seems they have more substance. In both clips the snare sounds a bit too distant, but at the same time, it kinda works with the style. Awesome playing!