Volbeat/Trivum tour

In the last 4 years, 10x as many people have seen Volbeat live vs all of these bands combined. That has to hurt, I know.

Feel good knowing you are out on the fringe?
I thought of this video as I read your posts...and the comments pointed directly at you from 49 seconds on...
Smiley face!

The number of people who have seen Volbeat compared to the bands in those videos has absolutely nothing to do with what he was saying.
The number of people who have seen Volbeat compared to the bands in those videos has absolutely nothing to do with what he was saying.

I think it does...unless you can read his mind or are sitting next to him as he types. If so, enlighten me.

People who dislike a popular band and then use other bands as "justification" for their taste...and those who keep coming back over and over to act superior are either:
People with an inferiority complex--and it really hurts them when an "inferior" band suddenly gets a wide audience and large tours.

I happen to like a couple of the groups he names here a lot. I also happen to like Volbeat a lot. But (unlike my well-documented feelings about 7th Wonder) all I see in his posts are that they do not suit his taste and therefor suck.
Which drops him into category A or B.

I have the latest Volbeat cd in my car right now. And every other album they put out on either on vinyl or CD somewhere in my house. If that makes me biased, so be it.
So they are hickster. Show me a better hickster band and I will add that to my rotation as well.
Pretty ridiculous discussion.
Whether VOLBEAT are "heavy metal" or not, is something a group of 10 year old kids would discuss.

Matter of fact: a lot of heavy metal fans likes Volbeat
Matter of fact: a lot of people not into heavy metal likes Volbeat
Matter of fact: Michael (singer/guitarist/songwriter of Volbeat) is a huge metal fan himself and used to play in the somewhat successful death metal band Dominus
Matter of fact: any conversation where Jasonic takes a stance on either A or B is bound to fail as there's no arguing with his "logic"
Let's be honest. If this were 15 years ago, they would be touring with Dropkick Murphys or Social Distortion, and playing on WARPED TOUR, and you wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole.

Are you saying "YOU" about me, or are you saying "YOU" about us here in the forum?

Because either way, you sound like a douche by saying it... because you're really not above anyone else to dictate or assume what people like or not, what people listen to or not, regardless of their taste.

As always (and don't you dare deny it), you're coming across as if you're sitting on a high horse, way above everyone else around here.

Clearly you still think that the forum listens only to the music that performs at ProgPower. :rolleyes:
Will just say a few more things on this, and try to address people's counter points.

1) No doubt Volbeat has metal influences in their music. So does Limp Bizkit. Doesn't make you a "heavy metal" band.

2) I think people who say that TDD and I are making this point to make the bands we like seem superior are EXTREMELY incorrect. Actually, I think its the other way around, and maybe folks NEED them to be a "heavy metal" band to justify liking them? I don't know

3) Speaking for myself, I probably can list more NON-metal bands I like than METAL ones. this conversation has nothing to do with "flying the flag for true metal". Before I got back into metal in the late 90s, bands like Social D and Stiff Little Fingers were some of my favs. I would have definitely been a Volbeat fan.

4) For the record, I think Volbeat are GREAT at what they do. I just don't think they are a "heavy metal" band for reasons I have stated. Once again Justin, read again. Reasons "I" have stated, meaning they are "MY" opinion.

5) Glad to see Claus still is incapable of contributing to any discussion without insult.
well I didn't see them listed under "heavy metal" in the CD rack at the gas station in Germany! So they must not be metal!!!

Will just say a few more things on this, and try to address people's counter points.

1) No doubt Volbeat has metal influences in their music. So does Limp Bizkit. Doesn't make you a "heavy metal" band.

2) I think people who say that TDD and I are making this point to make the bands we like seem superior are EXTREMELY incorrect. Actually, I think its the other way around, and maybe folks NEED them to be a "heavy metal" band to justify liking them? I don't know

3) Speaking for myself, I probably can list more NON-metal bands I like than METAL ones. this conversation has nothing to do with "flying the flag for true metal". Before I got back into metal in the late 90s, bands like Social D and Stiff Little Fingers were some of my favs. I would have definitely been a Volbeat fan.

4) For the record, I think Volbeat are GREAT at what they do. I just don't think they are a "heavy metal" band for reasons I have stated. Once again Justin, read again. Reasons "I" have stated, meaning they are "MY" opinion.

5) Glad to see Claus still is incapable of contributing to any discussion without insult.

I'm pleasantly surprised that you were able to comprehend that it was an insult.
After reading this thread I had to check the date on my computer. I thought perhaps I had warped back in time to the 90's and stumbled on to an AOL message board where people seriously debated whether a certain band "was metal or not" :)
Would we even be having this discussion if Volbeat hadnt blown up in the US? I cant turn the radio on without hearing them now, and it's refreshing versus the garbage that has been on for years.

Same could be said for Avenged Sevenfold, but that is a whole other discussion.
Would we even be having this discussion if Volbeat hadnt blown up in the US?

No, no we would not.

Once again, if this were the mid 90s, you really think the majors would market Volbeat to the OZZFEST crowd?? In my opinion, absolutely not.

Their sound would have had a more mass appeal to the mainstream kids discovering punk for the first time.

Metal has more mainstream acceptance now, and that is how Volbeat fit in to where they are, as Kurt pointed out, in the US marketplace.
No, no we would not.

Once again, if this were the mid 90s, you really think the majors would market Volbeat to the OZZFEST crowd?? In my opinion, absolutely not.

Their sound would have had a more mass appeal to the mainstream kids discovering punk for the first time.

Metal has more mainstream acceptance now, and that is how Volbeat fit in to where they are, as Kurt pointed out, in the US marketplace.

l'll give you this much, even when you're demonstrably wrong, you're wrong with absolute conviction.