Volbeat/Trivum tour

It's somewhat mind-boggling to me that people are wanting to push Volbeat to be a metal band rather than the obvious lumping in with Social D. The similarities are undeniable...

Funny thing is, I once argued here (and still would) that Sepultura's Roots is basically a nu-metal album and was told very firmly that LOL GUEST SPOTS FROM KORN AND LIMP BIZKIT AND MIKE PATTON DON'T MEAN ANYTHING.

Agreed on both points. Volbeat are certainly heavier than the average rock and roll band, but they never seemed "metal" to me. I'm saying that as a fan, I like them quite a bit.

And Roots was pretty much a nu-metal album. I'd say it was one of the best examples of a nu-metal album that remembered the "metal" part of that equation.
Marketing is a powerful drug!!!!!!

Ten years ago people were duped into thinking various US hardcore bands were heavy metal bands.

But to the average person, metal and hardcore are the same. Not to people on this forum or any "real" metal fan, but people are going to liken loud guitars and harsh vocals as metal.

You're the first one to always point out that "all of a sudden, people around here like a band that back in the day they wouldn't," as if people here only listen to what's discussed here.

You're the first one to always question "if Glenn had never showed this band on the forum, or booked the band for ProgPower, would you guys really like it?" as if people here followed Glenn blindly as far as their musical taste.

You're the first one to always say "back in the day, (insertsomethingaboutthemetalscene) would be (insertsomethingaboutthemetalscene)" as if you know everything about the metal scene.

You're the first one to always say "this band isn't really metal, I am surprised people like it around here," as if you're implying that people around here only listen to metal (and also as if it really matters what style they are - you are the KING of "THIS ISN'T METAL," bro).

You're the first one to always give your opinions about something on the forum as if they're *factual* and you'll argue your point until the death, even if every single counter argument presented has proven to be truth (but you'll still question them).

You're the first one to always (and god damn, I mean always) play the victim card when someone posts about a band that you posted years ago, saying "I was the first one to bring up these guys back in the day but nobody paid attention."

I don't think it's a matter of people necessarily "caring" what your opinion is (and don't get me wrong, you still present plenty of valid points in many discussions). It's more a matter of you being "that guy." It gets old and you wind up becoming an easy target...

With all that said, I still want to have a few beers with you (and not have you hide again like in Atlanta, lol). I still don't believe you can be as big of a pain in the ass in person. In fact, I hope you're not, as I still want to keep the internet persona Jasonic existing just the way it is.
First off, I am not the ONLY one here who personally does not find Vol.Beat to be metal. I keep going on it because the reasons that BOTH Claus and Justin gave as to why they are metal are weak in my opinion (IE - what band members were in, or what metal band members appeared on an album).

I guess since I am familiar with a lot of their obvious influences is a main reason why I am having a hard time accepting folks reasons why they find Volbeat to be a heavy metal band, but so be it.

I can agree to have a difference of opinion of the matter.

We all like many bands who aren't metal.
With all that said, I still want to have a few beers with you (and not have you hide again like in Atlanta, lol). I still don't believe you can be as big of a pain in the ass in person. In fact, I hope you're not, as I still want to keep the internet persona Jasonic existing just the way it is.

Me too!!!!
And no hiding. Ask Simon. I left for dinner later than I wanted to becuase I heard you were somewhere in the vicinity of where I was.

I came to Atlanta.

Come to Chicago!
First off, I am not the ONLY one here who personally does not find Vol.Beat to be metal. I keep going on it because the reasons that BOTH Claus and Justin gave as to why they are metal are weak in my opinion (IE - what band members were in, or what metal band members appeared on an album). I guess since I am familiar with a lot of their obvious influences is a main reason why I am having a hard time accepting folks reasons why they find Volbeat to be a heavy metal band, but so be it. I can agree to have a difference of opinion of the matter. We all like many bands who aren't metal.

No, the reason I think Volbeat is a metal band is because they play metal music. It's really not that complicated. The rest just reinforces that.
LOL at the two most consistently wrong people on this forum high fiving each other.

Let's just agree that they are equally trollish and move on. I usually skip over their posts but in this case there were too many interesting and intelligent people talking about them for their posts to be ignored.
Which is their purpose in life, probably--to not be ignored.

Seriously...2400 posts over 12 years? 12 years posting on a forum??? Think of all the things you could have done in 12 years had you not spent that time on the PC reading and typing.
And 18000 posts? 5 posts a day? Jebus get a life! If you spent two hours a day taking music lessons or going to school, maybe you would have some basis of validity for your posts. But then you would not be getting all this attention.
Next time I am going to just keep on walking as I pass by the sandbox. Let the children play...got better things to do.
Let's just agree that they are equally trollish and move on. I usually skip over their posts but in this case there were too many interesting and intelligent people talking about them for their posts to be ignored.
Which is their purpose in life, probably--to not be ignored.

The problem being that there are a few such personalities that tend to dominate this forum. I have recommended this forum to a few people as a place to find discover great bands in the genre and discuss them. After lurking they have brought this up as a reason they don't read the forum that often.

But in the end there is not much that can be done other than what you recommended.
Seriously...2400 posts over 12 years? 12 years posting on a forum??? Think of all the things you could have done in 12 years had you not spent that time on the PC reading and typing.
And 18000 posts? 5 posts a day? Jebus get a life! If you spent two hours a day taking music lessons or going to school, maybe you would have some basis of validity for your posts. But then you would not be getting all this attention.

This is idiotic. Completely idiotic. You're attacking people for being active members of a community. How dare Jason enjoy posting with people who broadly share interests with him!?

I can't wait to hear how big a loser I am for having an account here for 4 years. I'm such a wastrel for not having much of a local community to engage with! What a jackass I am, turning to the internet to engage with like-minded individuals.