Volume 8 Reissue : Who got it??

TD said:
I've got some video footage of that somewhere in the archives. I remember Mike Muir going solo, that just didn't seem right..............
You mean Scott hosting that one Much Music show from Australia? That was great. With Scott mispronouncing "penal colony" and all.

This girl I work with is obsessed with Australia. We call her "Aussie." (Most people probably don't know her real name.) She has a small tattoo of a kangaroo on her back. I felt like mentioning this. I doubt anyone cares.
Yeah, I have a tape of Scott hosting a show, and another show where the go to downtown Perth with Mike Muir. They also show an LOA video that I hadn't seen since. Good stuff. I have no idea where that video cassette went. It may be gone forever, the basement flooded in 2000, and I know several KISS vid's were forever lost.
Am I gonna have to order it online to get the re-issue?? I just went to Best Buy and they didn't have it. I didn't bother to ask the pimple faced morons with squeaky voices that work there because everyone knows they're brain dead.
Do you guys have a Fry's Electronics/Incredible Universe? They had the SoWN and Stomp re-issues, and plenty of them. I have to start looking for Vol 8 today, but I wouldn't be surprised if I found it there. Virgin Megastore also usually has a few, but they charge like $5 more than everyone else.
Woo Hoo!! Mine was waiting for me when I got home!
