Edmonton fucking sucks.

Sadly, it's the epicentre of culture for all Alberta.

Oh well, at least it's not like Calgary, whose greatest cultural achievement is a rodeo.
lol Dead Jesus.

I haven't been to a metal show in Edmonton for years now. I think I stopped sometime after some crazy dudes stopped me in The Real Canadian Liquor Store trying to get me to buy into their 'exclusive metal club' "The Mead Hall". It seemed so silly.

Since then, I've stopped wearing my metal apparel also. I can't be bothered with those types.
Hey, are Section VIII still around? I remember seeing them a couple of times back in the day and they were actually really good.

I've been wanting to pick up their CD that they put out around that time but I didn't see them any time after they had released it.
Hahahaha, the vocalist's name is awesome! But change the "Bag", to "Vag".

I can't say I'm really all that fond of the music, but Anthem Of Pain does show some promise. Never Ending isn't too bad either.
ok fine I'll vote.


Even if I boycott The Bear for being absolute garbage.
I got a free ticket to an AFI concert from a girl I was sorta involved with for a little while or whatever, so we went and honestly it wasn't that bad of a concert. Not what I'd usually listen to but I had fun. Pretty entertaining. I'd rather see them than Godsmack.
ha ha their "No Rules" slogan is totally bs.
it should say "No Rules as long as its radio friendly"

uh huh, yup

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I called in to request something mainstream metal like uhh

ok since this is the nevermore board say I hypothetically requested "Next In Line", or even something off of the super commerical DHIADW album like "The Sound of Silence".

Those faggots would be like "wtf no lol."