w000t go me!!!

Grumble Grumble

We die We all...
Oct 29, 2006
Saginaw,Michigan, USA
Going to see porcupine tree tomorrow/tonight(it is 330 in the morning). Im excited, i just discovered these guys recently and was instantly hooked, so im really looking forward to it. that is all!!!:headbang:

i wantt Anathema :(... they should come to north america:p

that would be damn great.

Porcupine tree live, are amazingly phenmonenaly good,2nd best band ive seen live next to katatonia. PT emit an odd stage presence. Such a "just there" feeling, hard to explain but damn is it good.

now me just getting into them recently (deadwing,in absentia,FOABP, in that order) i didnt know a few of the tracks, but they played FOABP in its entirety, and open car(one of their best), mellotron scratch(beautiful song), blackest eyes, halo and a handful of others i didnt recongnize (but my friend pointed out one song "a smart kid" that is a damn good song as well. Well thast my psudo review/rant. carry on