Wacken 08


Aug 2, 2007
Really want to make the pilgrimage with a couple of mates next Wacken Open Air, but as i'm just 14, what do you reckon i should say to my parents to convince them that i should be allowed to go (i live in England btw)
Already has a great lineup with Kreator,Maiden, Emperor, Immortal and Children of Bodom set to be there!
emperor is on again?

tell them that world travel is important, and will make you a stronger person. character and independence building
dude, its wacken. its an annual 3 day fest in germany. no, its not coming here. it isnt going anywhere but one small farm town in germany
Looks pretty weak so far.

This years bill is probably the strongest lineup this fest has ever seen. This one has at least remotely intrigued me into going. Seeing At the Gates, Carcass, Obituary (who i'm seeing this saturday), Primordial, Kreator, and Iron Maiden maybe just be enough to convince to shell out some bills to go. However dealing with As I Lay Dying and Hatebreed fans may be enough to put me off.
Next year is looking very week band wise but it's a great fest well organised very good atmosphere i went in 04 and this year and had a great time if your parents don't let you go try Bloodstock theres already some awesome bands on the line up or wait for Damnation to announce some bands thier usally very good and their both in England :)
heard gorgoroth is gona be there, whish i could goto wacken but i live in the US and theres no way my parents would even consider flyin to germany, at least not anytime soon.