Wacken 2007

If Jason's prediction comes true, it makes the roster go from good to great. Especially when you consider BG headlining one of those nights. Bards and Demons unite. :loco:
I should be in Belgium this summer; depending how much I make and how much free time, I might have to go to this.
Lineup looks real good. Wish i could go. i would love to see Stormwarrior as well. Black Majesty's last album was good. Destruction would be awesome considering they cancelled their show in Tulsa that I was gonna try to go to with a buddy of mine.
So it seems like I might actually be going this year! None of my friends have shown any interest in previous years, but seems like two are up for going this year. Fucking awesome!

To anyone who has been before: when does this thing normally sell out? What's best, flying out or driving out? I imagine driving out would be a load of fun but if it's a nightmare to get to maybe not.
Take something like Ryanair from Stansted Airport (or from Heathrow or Gatwick if you can find a low cost airline that flies from those) to Hamburg or Lubeck and take a train from there to Itzehoe. Perhaps not the funnest, but definitely the easiest way I say.

If you think you're definitely going this year, I wouldn't delay in getting a ticket (I ordered mine through www.metaltix.com). The fest seems to sell out quicker and quicker each year.

General Zod and I are definitely going this year - hanging out is a MUST if possible. :kickass:

Then, next year, when you realize how incredibly cool we are, you'll want to hang with Zod, JayKeeley, myself and possibly others at the Slovenia Metal Camp (or whatever it's called). It looks so amazing, Zod and I are green with envy over JK going this year. We have to settle for Wacken.... dammit!!!!

"settle for Wacken" lol, Wacken is the holy mecca of metal fests!! Granted, Slovenia looks amazing, scenery-wise, but you can't beat the line ups at Wacken.

I must attend Wacken one year just to say I did it, even once. Maybe in '08, I can do both Metal Camp and Wacken.

At one point this year, I thought the line up at Wacken was a little 'average', but now, when looking at the poster, I think the lineup this year is outstanding.
"settle for Wacken" lol, Wacken is the holy mecca of metal fests!!

Exactly. I'd love to try out other fests in other years, but I HAVE to go to Wacken at least once, and since this is the first time I will have travelled abroad to a metal fest Wacken seemed the most appropriate place to go. Plus the line-up does kick ass.
Take something like Ryanair from Stansted Airport (or from Heathrow or Gatwick if you can find a low cost airline that flies from those) to Hamburg or Lubeck and take a train from there to Itzehoe. Perhaps not the funnest, but definitely the easiest way I say.

If you think you're definitely going this year, I wouldn't delay in getting a ticket (I ordered mine through www.metaltix.com). The fest seems to sell out quicker and quicker each year.

General Zod and I are definitely going this year - hanging out is a MUST if possible. :kickass:

Thanks for the advice! Us Europeans are pretty lucky how easy and cheap it is the travel to other European countries. I can get my weekend ticket AND my flights for cheaper than it would cost for just the weekend ticket to Download festival (the only big 'metal' fest in the UK, totally dominated by mainstream bands).

Hoping to secure my ticket in the next few days. And yes, beers will definitely be in order!
Exactly. I'd love to try out other fests in other years, but I HAVE to go to Wacken at least once, and since this is the first time I will have travelled abroad to a metal fest Wacken seemed the most appropriate place to go. Plus the line-up does kick ass.

Yep, stick with Jason -- he is a Wacken veteran (aka tour guide) :loco: :rock: