Wacken 2007

@ Heartless_Name:
Dude, everyone has his own musical taste.. That I found Maiden boring was my opinion and you don't have to get pissed at everyone who has a differrent opinion.

Ow.. and 'eat shit and die'?? You really need to find a new one..

Yes, I do. Maiden rules and only dumb pieces of shit think otherwise :lol:

And since you think Maiden sucks, you must love other gay shit and listen to fag bands like MCR. And you're mortal.

Therefore you are in essence cuasing yourself to "Eat shit and die"

Self pwned.
Well for your information.. MCR also is very very boring... So stop making conclusions about someone when you don't even know them..

No, it's not a conclusion. It's fact. I don't care if I'm being an asshole. If you don't like Iron Maiden then you sir are a faggot. To say such an epic and influential band is boring is a slap in the face to metal in general you fucking poseur kid emofag.

I was talking about the motivator.

Thanks :D
@ heartless_name :

You know.. you calling me a fag doesn't do anything to me at all.. For if you have watched better, you would have known I'm not a 'sir'..

And like I said.. Ppl have different musical taste.. I grew up with other stuff then Maiden, so it doesn't do it for me..

Well I'm off.. Going to terrorize the streets of Groningen, so if you have to go there.... Be Careful hehehe...
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion :rock: If they think Maiden sux or is boring they're missing out on some serious kick ass early metal. I like listening to the Beatles and Elton John and no one can tell me different. But really, Iron Maiden does pwn :kickass:
yea hearltess you are acting realy stupid in this thread. Just like you can not get into opeth some poeple can not get into maiden. It doesnt matter how popular they are. Just leave it.
@Heartless_Name: you weren't even born when Maiden was formed, and you were still in diapers when Maiden had its glory days. So STFU, you don't know what you're talking about.

Oh and if you hate all the "Alexi worshippers", what are you doing on a CoB forum yourself?
And like I said.. Ppl have different musical taste.. I grew up with other stuff then Maiden, so it doesn't do it for me..

I don't care if you don't like them, just don't say they suck or that they're boring. I don't care how much of a prick I'm being, I won't budge on this issue :lol: Maiden fucking rules and I'll make an ass of myself for them anyday.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion :rock: If they think Maiden sux or is boring they're missing out on some serious kick ass early metal. I like listening to the Beatles and Elton John and no one can tell me different. But really, Iron Maiden does pwn :kickass:
Exactly how I feel, and could have but it nicely if I wanted, butI was ina bad mood and I love Maiden so fuck everyone else who says they sucks :lol: They can burn in a fiery carwreck.

I'm kidding, but they can at least suck a dick perhaps.

*listening to The Drapery Falls* "damn it, I like this song lol"


Wow, one song. That I HAVE to be in a slow mood to enjoy :lol: Opeth still isn't all that great and compared to Maiden they suck sweaty shit-covered balls.

yea hearltess you are acting realy stupid in this thread. Just like you can not get into opeth some poeple can not get into maiden. It doesnt matter how popular they are. Just leave it.

:lol: No, I'm purposely being a prick, I could have done this debate reasonably but I'm choosing not to. Fuck Ingrid, I hate that bitch to begin with and to the other asswipes who are sticking their noses in to bash Maiden, you all must have a severe lack in taste.

So, I pity you. Maiden owns you.

@Heartless_Name: you weren't even born when Maiden was formed, and you were still in diapers when Maiden had its glory days. So STFU, you don't know what you're talking about.

Oh and if you hate all the "Alexi worshippers", what are you doing on a CoB forum yourself?

I hate Alexi worshippers, you're fucking godamn right. I've liked this band probably before you (2003, not that it matters anyways). I can love CoB without being some stupid faggot fanboi that's obsessed with ONE member.

And wtf are you talking about you gigantic queer. Most bands that are awesome the MAJORITY of us weren't around when they formed or had their greatest album... so wtf are you talking about? People can enjoy bands that weren't in their era. You're being a bigger retard than me right now, difference is I"m CHOOSING TO BE ONE, you're jsut one naturally :erk:


because he has no life

Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 8,085


you're fat, ugly and stupid

and I post here a lot but I don't care /I'm not ashamed of that fact

and I still do more than you...

I work fulltime, have relationships with people (who was the last person to touch you??), have friends, and I go to concerts every chance I get. So take a look if you can in between mouthfuls of cake at your own life, attacking a postcount doesn't bother me int he least :lol: Loser.
:lol: No, I'm purposely being a prick, I could have done this debate reasonably but I'm choosing not to. Fuck Ingrid, I hate that bitch to begin with and to the other asswipes who are sticking their noses in to bash Maiden, you all must have a severe lack in taste.

So, I pity you. Maiden owns you.

....what? did I ever say I didn't like Maiden?:lol: