Wacken 2007

Cry me a fucking river.
I don't really care about Maiden, don't listen to em.
Better news (for me) is that Kreator is confirmed aswell for '08.

your behaviour sometimes is really pathetic..
if some people have a different opinion then you have, you don't need to get mad :erk:
that's really childish
why does everyone needs to be like you?
let people be the person they are, with their own opinions and their own taste in music...

Awwwww! Kiiiitttty! *pets screen* What you said...you're directing it to heartless right?

BTW, Iron Maiden rock! I love them and are my second fave classical band.
man, you're so mean, and then you tell me to not make fun of michelle :lol:
:lol: If Michelle talked bad about Iron Maiden I would make her cry.

everyone just put him on your ignore list, i did it and my stress levels went way down
You're a 15 year old faggot who looks like an 11 year old girl. You ignoring me on a forum isn't gonna solve the problems you have in life or the stress you have, but you know :lol: Nice try.
maiden is awesome but you can't really say all of their songs kick ass.

I never said ALL their songs were amazing, I just said THEY ARE AMAZING. But to be fair like 95% of their songs are fucking amazing.

watched em live recently few songs were a bit boring but

for the most part :kickass:
If you were bored seeing Maiden live then I don't know what to tell you, honestly. They played the entirely of AMOLAD, which is a weak CD imo compared to the rest of their work, and I STILL loved them live.

They are one of the best bands ever, EVER.

Maiden is for grannies. I saw them live at Graspop and I almost fell asleep :p
Eat shit and die. You people need to stop worshipping Alexi. Fucking faggots.
I didn't see them, I walked over the metalmarket and even then I found them boring.....
See comment above, you cunt.
Well I had to.. I had sort of a "date". But both the date and Maiden were booooring as hell hehe
Right, oh yeh... eat shit and die.
I don't really care about Maiden, don't listen to em.
Better news (for me) is that Kreator is confirmed aswell for '08.

Eat shit and die. :lol: